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Keiji's POV:
Ko told me he loves someone else...

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to a cold bed.

Feeling around I realize that I was right, Ko was gone.

Stretching and yawning I call out for him, "Kō..." No response.

Sighing I look around to be met with a note, "Y/n, I have to go... I'm so sorry," getting up and looking for Keiji I see him sitting on the couch reading the newspaper.

"Keiji? Where's Kō?" He sighs softly and pats the couch next to him.

Putting the paper down and finishing the peanut butter toast he had in his mouth he looks over at me, "He left... I'm sorry, I tried to stop him. I told him he'd lose me and his place on the team, but he left anyway,"

Tears brim my eyes as he pulls me into his side to hug me, "I'm so sorry..." He rubs my back as I sob into his shoulder.

"Did you know he was gonna leave?" I ask him as I choke back sobs.

He looks at me sadly and shakes his, "He told me he loved someone else last night... But he never said he would leave..." Sobs escape my throat as he pulls me back into him.

Sighing he holds onto me and whispers comforting words into my ear.

I fell asleep on his shoulder after what felt like hours

~Time skip~

Kō's POV:

I didn't want to leave her but I just couldn't face her. Not after what I told Akaashi.

I love her so much but for some reason I'm drawn to Saiya, we used to date a couple years ago and now I'm here... Running back into her arms when things get complicated.

Shaking my head as I get ready for school, stepping out the door and instinctively heading to Akaashi's before turning around and heading to school instead.

~Time skip~

I didn't see her.

I walked halfway to her first class before remembering it was over.

Sighing softly I go about my day.

Lunch rolled around slowly and I realized I hadn't packed lunch, she used to always do that for me.

I sat alone under a tree in the courtyard thinking about how she would shape the rice balls as animals and how Akaashi would playfully scold her.

Thinking about her cooking...

The way she would always make such a mess in the kitchen...

I really fucked up.

Lunch ended and soon enough it was the end of the day.

I walked to her last class before remembering once again, she was gone.

The boy who would always flirt with her seemed to be looking around.

"Hey, you're her boyfriend... right? Do you know where she is? She never misses a day, I remember in middle school too. Is she okay?" Tears brim my eyes at his words and I look at my feet.

I can see his fist ball up slightly, "Did you hurt her?..." He asks calmly.

Nodding my head he scoffs, "I knew I could have treated her better," He walks away.

Sighing I begin to walk to the gym, I make it halfway there before thinking about all the times Akaashi said I'd be off the team.

I walk home.

Thinking about everything we did together, when we got snacks at the store, the first time... The way she would hold my hands...

My mind begins to wander and I run into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was go-" It was her.

I can see her eyes glaze over and she pivots on her foot to runaway.

I grab her arm and pull her to look at me, "I'm so sorry..." I mumble.

She pulls her arm out of my grasp and runs into the store I was walking past.

Making my way to Saiya's house as the sun went down.

"I'm home," I call out throwing my stuff on the floor.

Saiya is one of the Nekoma cheerleaders.

She calls out from the bedroom, "In here baby!"

I make my way there to see her laying in bed half naked in red lingerie.

It was an eventful night.

~Time skip~

After she fell asleep I found myself sitting in the living room drinking a 12 pack looking into the tv static.

Wishing she was next to me...

Wishing she would come out of the bedroom and lay with me or bring me back to bed.

I keep thinking about her.

Her smile.

Her eyes.

The way her stomach would roll over her jeans *ignore this if that isn't you. I just wanna show love to my big girls bc I'm one too :)*

The way her hair would fall beautifully.

The smell of her room.

The way her hair smelled after a shower.

How soft her skin was.

Tears fall down my face as I think about how badly I fucked up.

She'll never take me back and it's for the better.

She deserves somebody like Kuroo.







Someone who won't hurt her the way I did.

I'm so sorry Y/n.

I'm so so sorry.

You were and still are the best thing to have ever happened to me.

I wish I could reverse time.

I never meant to cheat on you.

It started after we found out you were pregnant.

I slipped out every night for a week.

Just to return home before you woke up.

I'm so sorry.

I don't expect you to forgive me.

Word count: 923

Wooo! Sad chapter time.

I hope you enjoyed, or as much as you possibly could.

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