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Walking up to the house I unlocked the door and took off my shoes, Keiji and Kō were out for the day so it was just me until about 8pm.

Sighing I sit on the couch and pull the hem of my pants down below my stomach rubbing it in small circles while looking for a movie to watch, "Well? What should we watch kiddo?"

It's only been a couple weeks since we found out so the baby can't actually hear yet, but I still like to talk to them.

Letting out another sigh I turn on an American movie I had watched with Ueno a couple years back called "Employee of the Month"

Laughing here and there as I watch the movie I hear a knock on the door, I pause the movie and get up.

Checking the peep hole I notice it's Aiko, one of the more popular girls.

Opening the door she looks at me slightly disgusted, "Oh... Is Akaashi-san home?" I shake my head and she sighs.

"Well can I come in and wait?" I shrug and open the door a little more letting her in, "So... You've put on some... Weight..." She says looking me up and down.

I give her a fake smile and close the door before sitting down on the couch rubbing my stomach through my shirt.

Pressing play on the movie she sits down on the other end of the couch and we watch in silence.

"So, why have you put on so much weight recently?" She asks me. I sigh and pause the movie.

"It's really not your business," I say with another fake smile, she opens her mouth to speak but my phone starts ringing.

Picking up the phone and answering I hear my boyfriends voice fill the other line, "How are my two favorite babies doing?" He asks me.

I chuckle softly and smile, "We're doing just fine Kō, can you tell Keiji that Aiko is here for him?" I can hear him sigh.

Moments later Keiji is on the line, "Please have her leave, I do not wish to speak with her," I nod my head at his words even though he can't see me.

"Alright, well I'm gonna stop at the store on the way home... Would you like anything?" I smile and tell him I'll text him a list.

The line goes dead and I put my phone back in my pocket, "What did he mean "two"?" She asks eyeing me.

Shaking my head I inform her of what Keiji said she scoffs, "Fine," She grabs her purse and leaves before slamming the door behind her.

Getting up I lock the door and then continue sitting on the couch.

~Time skip~

I wake up to the feeling of two arms picking me up and walking upstairs, "Kō?..." I mumble.

He hums and I smile softly wrapping my arms around his neck.

He gently nudged the bottom of the door with his shoe and lays me down on the bed whilst kicking the door closed.

"Kō?..." I mumble softly as he starts to unbutton my blazer.

"Shhh baby owl, just go back to sleep. I'll put one of my hoodies on you," I nod softly as he slips my clothes off and slips the hoodie he was wearing onto me.

tucking me into bed he starts to head for the door, "Nooo... Stay..." He chuckles softly before answering.

"I know baby, I'm gonna go brush my teeth. If you wanna come you can," I nod softly and he picks me up and walks to the bathroom.

Setting me on the counter he grabs both of our toothbrushes and puts toothpaste on both, "Here you go," He says handing me the now wet toothbrush.

We brush our teeth is silence while i occasionally poke his face, "I love you," he says as he rinses off his tooth booth brush before taking mine and doing the same.

Picking me back up i mumble "I love you too," into his neck as we head back to the bedroom.

Kō holds me close to him and we drift asleep, well... I do at least.

~Kō's pov~

She falls asleep in my arms and I bury my nose in her hair taking in the smell of her shampoo, "You're so pretty... I love you so much... I'm always gonna be right here princess... I'll never leave you... You mean everything to me..." I continue to mumble into her hair and fall asleep.

~time skip~

I wake up to see the sun shining on my face through the clouds, watching as more snow continues to fall.

"Kō, it's snowing," I say softly and he mumbles into my hair something inaudible.

"Huh?" I say and he finally mumbles loud enough for me to head, "It's been snowing silly," sighing I shake my head.

"You're no fun," He chuckles softly, "Really? I'm no fun?" I nod my head and he smiles into my hair.

"I'll show you fun," He says before he pounces ontop of me tickling mercilessly.

"No! Stop! Please!" I say in between laughs.

He chuckles and continues to tickle me for a little longer before stopping and looking into my eyes, "You're so beautiful..." He says quietly as a blush creeps onto his face.

I giggle softly and throw a pillow at him, nailing him in the face. he doesn't flinch, "Seriously, when I look at you it's like nobody else is even there... You're all I see... And I never find any other girls pretty anymore, you're all I see, you're all I want..." He says softly not breaking eye contact.

He leans down and goes in for a kiss but before our lips meet I attack his sides and he collapses on the bed next to me giving me an advantage.

We have a tickle fight for a little longer before deciding to take a nap before we start our day.

~Keiji's pov~

Kō told me he loves someone else...

Word count: 1005

Tysm for reading!! I hope u enjoyed and i'll see u guys next week!

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