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"Baby owl?" Kō asks as we approach the parking lot, I hum in response and he turns the music down a little.

"Are we gonna tell everyone?" He asks gently resting his arm on my thigh instead of the gear shift. I think calmly for a second before speaking, "I always headed that the first trimester is the most dangerous, we should wait until after then. We do need to tell Keiji when we get home though,"

Once these words leave my mouth his grip on my thigh tightens and I can feel the chills go up his spine, "You'll be okay," I say laughing as I set his hand in the gear shift so he can park.

He chuckles nervously and smiles as he parks the car, "Alright, I'll walk you two to class," He says smiling grabbing my hand.

Mitsu follows after and I can tell she's happy for me but also worried, she radiates the energy very strongly and sometimes it even begins to worry me.

Kō rubs his thumb across my knuckles and once we get to the classroom he kisses my hand, "I love you baby owl," He says as he looks into my eyes.

A blush tints my face, "I love you, Kō," I say smiling as he leans down and kisses my forehead like always.

He watches me walk into class and waves before leaving to his own class.

~After school~

Gathering my stuff I feel arms around my waist, "Kō?" I ask softly not smelling his familiar cologne.

The figure lets go and walks around to the other side of my desk so they're in front of me, "I still want that date, sugar," He says lifting my chin with his finger.

Scoffing I ignore him and continue to pack my stuff, "C'mon sugar, it's only one date..." He says with a smirk plastering his lips.

Shaking my head I sling my back over my shoulder and head for the door, "Kō?" I ask not seeing him.

"I could treat you so much better though..." He says looking at my breasts. He pins me against the wall and starts to touch up my inner thighs, "Or I could fuck you in this empty hallway," He says chuckling darkly.

Tears brim my eyes and after what felt like forever I see Kō in the distance, "Kō..." I whisper out with pleading eyes.

Kōtarō locks eyes with me and immediately rushes over, "Get off of her," He says sternly pushing the boy away from me.

"Hey... Hey... Hey... You're okay, everything is gonna be just fine. Is your stomach alright?" He asks calmly rubbing my stomach gently before kneeling down and kisses it.

A smile forms on my face as tears threaten to spill, "What the fuck are you doing?" The guy asks standing up from the ground.

"None of your fucking business," Kō says, standing up and grabbing my hand.

Kō and I begin to walk to the gym and that guy is left there dumbfounded by what happened, "I'm so sorry baby, do you wanna skip practice? I can drive you home real quick," He continues to ask questions and I'm just frozen.

"Hey, listen to me," he says stopping outside the gym, "I'm gonna tell Akaashi and coach that I need to take you home, okay?" I slowly nod and he smiles.

Turning around and bringing me up to the gym doors he lets go of my hand so he can go tell them, leaving me just in sight.

Moments later he comes back and places my hand in his, "Alright baby, I'll bring you home but then I have to come back to practice, okay?" Shaking my head he looks at me confused.

"I-I wanna be with you..." I mumble he sighs and smiles, "Okay baby owl, do you wanna sit on the bench today instead of doing anything?" I nod my head and he picks me up and seats me on the bench.

He smiles and kisses my head, "Okay baby, I'm gonna go practice and then when we walk home we can get snacks okay?" I nod and he smiles.

Practice went by slowly but whenever Kō or Keiji had the chance they came over to me and we talked until they had to go back.

Kō grabs his bag from his locker as does Keiji, and I already have mine from last class, Keiji took Kō's care home so we could walk and as Kō said we stopped at the store for snacks.

I followed Kō around the store and he let me pick out candy, all he wanted was some strawberry pocky so that's all he got for himself.

I picked out blood orange mochi, and some chocolate pocky before we headed over to check out.

Kō got us a pork bun each to eat on the way home, "Are you feeling better?" He asks softly as we walk outside of the store.

I nod gently as we walk down the road and he smiles taking a bite of his pork bun, "I love you," he says smiling.

I smile as well and the house comes into view, "That didn't take very long now did it?" Kō asks, I shake my head and we slowly approach the house.

Once on the porch Kō faces me and makes me look up at him, "You're so beautiful baby owl, you make me feel like i'm complete. You make my heart skip a beat every time I see you. I love you more then I ever thought was possible, so I have a question,"

He slowly gets down on one knee and pulls out a box, "This my pre proposal, will you one day... Let me replace this ring with a wedding ring and become Mrs. Kōtarō Bokuto?" He asks showing me a beautiful ring with a small square diamond on the gold band.

Tears brim my eyes and I nod my head and jump into his arms...

"Yes..." I whisper into his ear and he holds me close standing you and grabbing the bag.

He carries me inside and up to my bedroom, "How about we watch a movie now?" He asks chuckling.

I nod my head and we pick out a Disney movie and fall asleep in each other's arms.

Word count: 1056

Woah, pre proposal? Bokuto is getting hasty😩

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