Chapter 15: Under the Stars

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"So where are we going?" Francesca asked Steve.

"We will be splitting up, couple y couple" Soda said playing with my hair.

"Ohhh, so where are we going?" I asked turning around to face him.

"I won't tell because it is a surprise," He said.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window of the car. We are going up a hill. I give myself a confused look wondering why we were going up a hill. When we got to the top of the hill, we parked the car. I hopped off of Sodas lap and exited the car. Let me tell you, the view was worth it. You could see all of Tulsa. I couldn't look away.

"Nice view eh?" Soda asked standing right behind me.

"It isn't, nice, it is beautiful!" I said turning around to him. I gave him a hug still looking at the view.

"We will catch you guys back here in an hour," Steve said grabbing Francesca's hand.

"Great see you then!" Soda said taking my arm. I looked to see Francesca with a confused look. When she saw my eye contact, she returned it with shrugging her shoulders. Soda grabbed my and started bringing me somewhere. Steve pulled Francesca in the opposite direction of us. We walked past a few trees until there was an opening in the forest. A blanket was set up with a basket.

"A night picnic, really classy," I said sarcastically sitting down on the blanket.

Soda laughed, "I am a very classy guy,"

I rolled my eyes.

"Well, Francesca asked me something," I started.

"What she ask?" Soda asked laying down on the blanket next to me.

"She said, if she should tell Steve that she is apart of the Reynolds gang, and say that we are Soc's. She is just scared to slip up saying Kalleigh instead of Kadence" I answered.

Soda looking up at the sky for a solid minute before answering.

"I should tell him. I don't want Francesca to possibly ruin their relationship. I know how Steve is crazy about Francesca. But, I don't know how much Steve will go to lie to Darry,"

"You are right," I said laying on my back.

"Well, Kalleigh, new conversation topic, where would you travel in the world if you could go?" He asked.

"Paris France," I replied.


"I don't know, I like the culture and the scenery,"

"Well, I think that is lovely,"

"Let's play a game," I said.

"Ok, what is it?" He asked.

"20 questions, I learned this game at summer camp, where each person asks eachother 20 questions and you have to answer no matter what,"

"Yeah this isn't my first time playing this game,"

"Huh?" I questioned looking at him.

"Not my first time hanging out with Twobit,"

"Ok, you go first," I said laying back down and looking at the stars.

"Hmm," he thought for a second. "Do you like being a Soc?"



"People think you are living the life but you really aren't,"

"I get that, your turn," he said.

"Do you like being a greaser?"

"Wow, so creative,"

"Shut up," I said rolling my eyes.

"Eh, it sucks when people look down at you,"

"Awwww," I said grabbing his hand.

We kind of payed there for a few seconds. Just looking at the stars. They were beautiful and sparkling into my soul.

"Would you leave town if you had the chance?" Soda asked me.

I thought for a second. Would I leave town?

"Well, if you asked me that a month ago, I would have said Hell yes, but now, I don't think so,"


"I couldn't leave you or Francesca, or even Steve,"

"What about your sister's and gang?" He asked.

"Ugh one question at a time please," I said.

He laughed.

"Why were you at Francesca's house? It was Soc's only?" I asked.

"It wasn't, my idea, it was my friend Dallas' idea, I really didn't wanna go but I went anyway." He said. "Do you like being in your gang?"

"I really don't have a choice, it is ok, some things I hate, such as they don't have a lot of remorse and will snitch on you. The one thing I like about your gang is that you are all like brothers, my gang it is very different," I replied to his question.

"How so?" He asked.

"The boys in my gang won't hesitate to tell on you. They are really only doing it to suck up to my sister and her boyfriend."

"Oh man, I don't know how you could live like that, especially for 16 years,"

"I don't know how I did it either,"

"Ask me a question," he asked sounding like a child.

"Ok, do you think you are an excellent dancer?" I asked.

"Yes I do," he said very confidently. He hoisted himself up and rested his head on his hand and looked at me.

"Ehhh I beg to differ," I said trying to act seriously.

"Let me show you!" He said getting up and lifting me up with him. We stepped off of the blanket and went on the grass. We started slow dancing to no music, at first I felt awkward just swaying back and forth in the middle of the woods without any music, but after a minute, it felt calming. Even in the dark fall night, Soda was visible as if we were dancing on the beach on a sunny day. I was getting lost in his eyes to the point where my body was dancing without me trying, my focus was on his eyes. I was knocked out of my trance when Soda stopped dance. We stood there for a second or two. I felt the gap between us closing. Soda's breath was creeping around my face.

"This is it Kalleigh this is the moment! Don't ruin it!" I thought to myself as I felt my heartbeat echo through my body.

Finally, Soda closed the gap between us. I didn't know it was kiss at first, For a few seconds I stood there like an idiot, finally I realized what was happening. Soda is kissing me. Sodapop Patrick Curtis is kissing me. I felt as if my body was exploding with joy and excitement. I obviously kissed back, I wasn't an idiot. For once in a long time I felt a warmth go through my body. I felt like everything was going to be ok; and it was. It truly was.

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