Chater 13: Card shark

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"What should we do?" Francesca asked after a few minutes of sitting around the park.

"We can go drag racing," Steve asked.

"Let's do that tonight," I said.

"Yeah, wanna come back to our place?" Soda asked.

"Sure" Francesca and I said.

"Ok! Let's go!" Soda said grabbing my hand and pulling me in the direction to the Greaser side of town. We walked past a couple of gangs and a lot of them gave me and Francesca looks, but in response, Francesca would either yell at them or pretend to go and grab her blade from the back of her pocket, which both worked.

"Here it is!" Soda said gesturing to his house. It was a smaller cute house, almost cottage like. There was a truck parked outside of the house that maybe if they put flowers in it, it would tie the whole cottage feel together.

We walked up the house's steps to a screen door. Sodapop opened the two doors. The house was filled with 5 other boys, the ones from last night. The places was small but comfortable.

"Hey, yall, is it ok if Kadence and Frankie hang out here?" Soda asked the rest of the people. They all nodded.

"Do y'all know their names?" Steve asked Francesca and I.

"No, " we both said at the same time.

"Well, the one with the Mickey Mouse shirt is Twobit, the one on the couch is Johnny, Dallas is the scary good looking one-"

"Thanks Steve," Dallas said rolling his eyes.

"No problem, Ponyboy is the one laying on the floor, and Darry is the one in the chair with the news paper,"

"Hello," I waved to everyone.

"Y'all look a little dressed up, are y'all going to a Soc party?" Darry asked us. Francesca started laughing so hard she started crying.

"N-n-no! Over my d-d-dead body!" She made out in between all of her laughs.

"Well," Darry said smiling at Francesca's laughter, "where are y'all going?"

"We are going to go to a drag race with Frankie and Kadence," Steve said starting to laugh with Francesca.

"Well, y'all better eat lunch, what would everyone like?" Darry asked everyone, but mostly us because we were the guest.

"Baloney sandwich," Dallas said directed toward Ponyboy, who made a disgusted face.

"Shut Up Dally!" Pony said throwing a pillow at Dallas that he dodged effortlessly.

"Pony, Dallas, stop it before you brake the Tv! What would you ladies like?" Darry asked us directly.

"Pizza?" Francesca asked.

"Yeah!" Twobit said getting up.

"Ok, I will order some, y'all, should sit down and relax while it gets here," Darry said grabbing the phone. Francesca and I sat down on the couch.

"Where do you ladies live?" Dallas asked me and Francesca. I froze and looked at Francesca.

"Ummm we are living at her grandmas house until we can buy our own house," Francesca said.

"Oh, where is that? Down the road? Few blocks down?" Pony asked

"A few blocks down," I answered.

"Nice!" Pony replied.

"Will you stop asking them where they live, you sound like y'all are going to kidnap them," Soda said helping us out.

"Ok, ok, we will stop," Dallas said putting his hands up.

"What is your favorite thing to do?" Twobit asked Francesca. I sighed at the thought they wouldn't be asking so many personal questions.

"Well, I like to party, smoke, and sometimes commit a felony," Francesca said. The whole room went quiet. Except Dally and Steve who were dying of laughter.

"Oh my word, lighten up you guys," Francesca said pushing Pony and Johnny who were scared out of their minds.

"Well, we know about her, what about you?" Twobit asked me, also cracking a smile at Francesca's joke.

"I play soccer, I also like organizing,"

"Can you organize our house sometime?" Darry asked from the kitchen, half joking half serious.

"Yeah, one day!" I said smiling.

"Wait you play soccer? For our schools team? Didnt you just move here?" Ponyboy said.

"Pony, oh my lord! She probably did it in her old school!" Steve snapped at Pony who shut up. I was about to go on when the doorbell rang. Darry came into the living room and he opened the door. A pizza guy was there, Darry payed and gave a tip.

"Pizza is here!" Darry said lifting up the box.

We all got up from our spots and went into the kitchen.

"We aren't all going to fit," Johnny said. I forgot Johnny was still here, he was so quiet.

"Some can sit in the living room," Darry said

"We can," Soda said gesturing to Steve, Francesca, and I.

"Ok," Darry said. We all grabbed a slice and went into the living room.

"So, how do you dig the place?" Soda asked me and Francesca.

"It is very cozy!" I said taking a bite of my pizza.

"Glad you like it," he said also taking a bite of his pizza.

"Wow couldn't wait for me," Steve said coming over with balancing two slices of Pizza on his plate.

"Well, after we eat we can play around of Rummy," Soda said.

"Yeah, it can kill some time before we leave for the drag race," Francesca said. We all agreed and asked everyone else if they wanted to play, thus, we were going to have a 9 person game of Rummy. We all finished and gathered around on the floor. Dallas delt the cards.

"Kalleigh, do you know how to play?" Steve asked me.

"Umm kinda," I lied. I knew damn well how to play. I have had a lot of boring summers with nothing to do.

"Do you want me to explain?" Soda offered.

"No, I'm good," I said. Everyone was kind looking at me weird, but we started the game.

I kept winning all of the games. One right after the other I kept winning, if we were playing for money, I would have been a rich gal. We were about to start our 6th game when Sods jumped up.

"We better get going, we don't wanna be late,"

"Yeah," Francesca said throwing her cards down and getting up,

"Well, thank you for letting us stay here for a while!" I said to all of them, mostly Darry. We all said our goodbyes and we headed towards the Drag Race.

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