Chapter 5: Secrets

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"I was so stupid!" I practically screamed.

"Kalleigh don't say that, he might just be friends,"

"Who's name in this town is Sodapop!" I said blowing my nose into a wet tissue.

"You need to talk to him, you clearly couldn't because of everyone there," she said pulling out another box of tissues.

"How can I? Cameron won't let me go out without someone from the gang-"

"I can take you,"

"Francesca, she wouldn't let you, we are still the same age," I said rubbing my very red nose. Then we heard a knock on the door.

"Clean yourself up, it is probably your sister," Francesca said going to the door. I quickly splashed cold water on my face. I heard a lot of talking behind the door.

"Is she ok, is she hurt?"

It definitely was Cameron

"Yeah, just a little spooked,"

There was some more talking but I couldn't hear over the water. Finally Francesca came back in the bathroom.

"What she say?" I asked patting my face dry.

"She didn't say much,"

"Oh, maybe I should sleep on it,"

"You want me to go, or sleepover,"

"Whatever you wanna do,"

"I will go, you have your phone, so you can call me," she said grabbing her purse. "Are you sure you are ok alone,"


Francesca gave me a hug and left. I changed into my pjs and tried to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about the pat few hours. I couldn't take it any longer, I got up and changed back into my clothes. I was going to sneak out, well, at least go outside. I changed into a maroon dress. I opened the door to see the whole house dark. I turned off my light and tip toed down the stairs. I peeked into the living room to see Henry and Miles asleep on the couch. They were passed out drunk. I went out to the back door. The cold air quickly wrapped around me. I walked off of the porch and onto the grass. I walked to the back of outback yard by the fence. I sat down on a stone seat and looked around the yard. All I could do was get upset all over again. I was knocked out of thoughts by the leaves moving on the other side of the fence. I sprung up and moved away.

"Who is there?!?" I whispered yelled.

Soon a figure emerged from the leaves. I stepped closer to the figure.

"Soda?!" I actually screamed.

"Hey," he said through the bars of the fence.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked.

"I needed to talk to you," he said.

"Ok," I said releasing the tenseness in my shoulders.

"I couldn't sleep, is it true, you are a Reynolds,"

"Yes, I am, I'm assuming you are a Curtis?"

"Yes ma'am"

I sighed, I guess he sensed my sadness.

"Listen, if it makes you feel any better, I don't think you are a horrible person," he said.

I smiled, "same for you,"

"How have you been, I felt terrible I didn't go after you,"

"No, I understand, I can't believe what is going on,"

"Same here,"

"What happened after I left,"

"My buddy Steve got into a fight with one of your friends, this big fight broke out, I got away but was pulled in by another friend,"

"Damn, I'm sorry,"

"It is ok," he said. Even though it was dark out, his blue eyes were still sparkling in the moonlight.

"We need to meet, but not like this," I said out of impulse

"I agree,"


"Meet at the park, tomorrow, at 12, that is my break," he said.

"I will try, my sister is pretty strict,"

"It is ok, if not, I can come back tomorrow night,"

"You are way too sweet," I said. He grabbed my hand through the bars of the fence. I felt my face getting extremely red.  His hands were very cold, then I noticed he barely had a jacket.

"Oh, my word, you are freezing," I said taking my other hand and rubbing his hands to make it warm.

"Eh, it is ok," he said shuttering.

"No, let me get you a jacket," I said, but before he could say anything I ran back into the house. I grabbed one of my dads old leather jackets from the closet. I ran back outside and was surprised to see him still there.

"Oh my word, you didn't have too,"

"No, take it, your nail beds are blue!"

He took the jacket and put it on.

"I better get going, my brothers might think I am in jail," he said.

"Ok, see you later," I said. I didn't wanna leave, I didn't want him to walk away. I stayed outside for a few more minutes before the cold took over and I snuck back inside. Let's say, tomorrow, Francesca was going to be shocked.

Sodas POV.

I emerged onto our street. The lights flickered. I walked up the door and walked inside. Everyone turned to me.

"Where have ya been?" Darry asked.

"On a walk,"

"Where did you get that sick jacket?" Dallas asked feeling it.

"I found it on the side of the road," I said

"Oh, ok,"

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