Chapter 18: the truth

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It was a day after the big scare we had with Steve. Francesca was out with him on a cute lunch date. I was in my room putting clothes away. I was putting away the dress that I wore when I first met Sodapop. I smiled as I hugged the dress tight right before I put it away in the closet. I heard a tap on my window. I turned to see Sodapop sitting on the ledge waiting patiently for me to open the window. I walked over and opened the window.

"You know, you're not going to able to do this when the summer and spring roll around, the gang hangs outside most of the day," I said not letting him in.

"well, then imma have to come through the chimney," He smiled.

"Well I better not light the fireplace," I said rolling my eyes. He laughed at my stupid joke. "what are you doing here,"

"Well Steve is out with Francesca and Darry wanted me out of the house for a little bit, so I decided to come over here,"

"Well, you can't make a ruckus because everyone is downstairs. If someone comes up, hide under my bed," I said pointing to the little cabinet under my bed. It was used to store blankets and seasonal stuff. It could also fit a whole person if they lay on their back or stomach.

"Will do," He said sitting down on my bed. I put another dress on a hanger.

"Yeah, they are all downstairs doing god knows what," I laughed folding a blanket.

Soda laughed too. We kept quiet for a few seconds. I saw his expression, he was clearly thinking about something.

"Something on your mind?" I asked.

"Yeah...I'm just confused," He said after a minute of silence.

"About what?"

"I don't understand why both of our families hate each other with a burning passion, I really don't get it, like, I don't know how it all started, do you?" He asked me.

"If I'm being honest, I have no clue how this rivalry started, I could have been with our parents, something happened one day, or maybe one gang jumped the other and a rivalry blossomed," I replied. I never really thought about it that much. Before I met Soda, I thought it was just a little thing. Like a bad salad, but after seeing everyone's true colors, I now know that this rivalry is much much deeper.

"When I ask Darry, he usually gets all up and arms and tries to hide it and change the subject," He told me while playing with the fleece blanket that was on my blanket.

"When I ask Cameron, she usually says the usual, 'you are too young to understand,' or an 'I will tell you when you get older,' so I haven't really gotten a real answer, it must be pretty bad that they get angry, or defensive when the subject comes up,"

"One day I will get it out of Darry, maybe when he has a good day or when he is about to fall asleep, but recently he has been stressed with work and getting Pony through school,"

"Cameron is extremely close to getting proposed to by Henry and I can feel it coming, and I don't know what will happen with me because she is my guardian,"

"You can always come and stay with us," Sodapop said smiling.

"Wouldn't that be a surprise for my sister when she finds out her sister is living with her enemy," I said putting some pants on a hanger.

"Is that your closet?" He asked pointing to my huge closet.

"Yeah, but I don't wear half of the stuff in it," I said hanging the pants up.


"It is my sisters type of fashion, she bought me that stuff, I hate how it looks on me, she only bought the clothes so she wouldn't be caught with my fashion out in public," I said while going over to my bathroom and spraying the mirror in cleaner spray. I heard some movement back in my bedroom. Ignored it and kept wiping down my mirror. After I minute or two I heard Sodapop say,

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