
We sat on the steps of the gym. His eyes glimmering in the moonlight.
"How did you find out I didn't kill Sam?"
"I never thought you did"
Eye contact was lacking through out our whole conversation. He wasn't used to the idea that I didn't need him anymore. I wasn't used to the fact that we drifted so drastically since New York. I didn't want to drift but it was inevitable. I was searching for my true self this whole time and here, in this camp I could finally find it.
I only wish no one would've died or got their heart broken in the process of my soul searching.
"How did you find out it was Azima?" I continued the questioning.
He was fidgeting with his hoodie to calm his rising frustration. He didn't like that he couldn't do anything, that I wasn't willing to just leave with him. He didn't like that he needed the permission of an elder for him to even stay. He didn't like waiting. And he really didn't like that I was calm.

"She was sniffing around the house after you where dragged away" He finally answered, still not fully in the conversation.
"She came back with other hunters when she thought no one was around" He added, twirling the hoodie string around his finger.
"There's more of them?"
He nodded in response as he stared into the tree line.
"They didn't go in the house, they just looked around for tracks"
The hunters must've been more trained than Azima was, she grew up with vampires, she knew how to kill them, what their weaknesses where, in this camp and she could lead other hunters right to the gates. Maybe the elders had a point, there was always danger ahead and we needed to be ready for it. If she did want every vampire dead, she'd need strong hunters, and a lot of them. Why was the question that kept spinning in my head over and over again.... but I tried my very best to ignore things I couldn't solve right away.

"How is my family?" I asked softly, almost not wanting him to answer.
He finally looked at me, his eyes full of pity and sorrow.
"They are as expected when a family member is presumed dead" He answered, I looked down at my feet as my stomach twisted with guilt. I really hoped they where ok.
"They are heartbroken, obviously. But the police reassured them that the killer would be found. They're hopefull" His eyes lost their shimmer for a second as he described what had happened in the past few days.
They didn't close the case? They think it was a double homicide.
"Fuck" I mumble, I didn't want them to have to go through that. Murder is a shitty event but it's especially shitty when it's your child being murdered. I hoped my parents where ok. I hoped my brother was ok. I hoped they would get over my death soon and forget I even existed.
"I made sure your brother didn't blame himself, and Alex reassured your parents, he told them that whoever killed you was going to get caught"
That was almost exactly what I expected them to do. Aidan was the reasonable type, he was great at explaining why things couldn't have gone differently, why it wasn't your fault. I hoped my brother took every word seriously and that he didn't blame himself any longer. That he'd find piece. Alex was good at general comfort, making sure people knew that they had someone to talk to in him. That it was ok to feel the way they did. I hoped my parents would understand that they can't bottle their feeling up, that they should unite in trying times instead of fighting each other.

"Alex" My eyes widened in realisation.
"Where is he?" I asked the obviously uncomfortable vampire next to me.
His eyes softened once more as he understood the question. I shouldn't have been but I was worried about what Alex might do. I knew he resented jumpers. I knew he hated himself for not stopping his sister from turning. I knew that he must've felt so much guilt and pain when he found me standing over Sam's bloodied body. He must've been crushed. I knew he cared for me. I knew he never wanted me to turn feral and that if I did he would kill me. Had he realised I wasn't feral? Was he still on the hunt for me? Why was Aidan so quite?

"He left a few days after you got taken" Alex looked back towards his feet. "He quit his job in your dads company. Explained to him that he was heartbroken, that he couldn't work with someone who reminded him of you. Your dad appreciated his honesty. Told him that he'd be welcomed back if he changed his mind. And then he left... I don't know if he left for that reason or if he still thinks you're a jumper and is on the hunt, I just know he was shattered either way, I'm sorry" He glanced back at me, he was genuine, he felt bad for both of us. The misunderstandings ruined the only good thing we had going...
I hoped he was ok. I hoped that maybe his hate for jumpers would drive him to me eventually, maybe our paths would cross again, and then I'd tell him I was myself still, that I was glad he didn't give up on killing the shell of me. But even if he didn't become a feral hunter, even if he really just wanted to get away from anything that reminded him of yet another failure, that fate would want us to meet again, and when we did he would greet me with joy. Either way I was hopeful, yet bittersweet. I hugged onto my knees as I looked into the dark night.

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