~Blood Children~

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The air stuck in my throat as shock rushed over my whole body. Aidan was there, in front of me. I became used to the idea that I might never see him again. But he was here, looking at me with his bright blue eyes as Kyle let go of his shoulder; we collided into a hug. His breathing heavy and brushing against my ear.

"Thank god you're safe" He whispered, I couldn't believe I was in his arms, that he was really there.
"H-How?" I finally let the breathy question out after a second of being buried in his chest.
He pulled back, looking into my eyes intensely before looking around. His eyes landing on Kyle and then Ash.
"Are you okay?" He ignore my question and asked his own. I nodded, my confusion growing.
"Is this your feeder friend?" Kyle asked, his voice unamused and bored.
"And who are you?" Aidan dropped his arms away from my shoulders and turned to Kyle, trying to intimidate him.
Kyles didn't bother to give him any eye contact, instead he looked to me.
"Charming" He commented before walking up beside me.
"He can't stay unless the elders say so"
I nodded as I knew nothing could be done without the elders approval. And someone turning up without invagination, technically breaking in was not a great image and will not help him get the approval.
"How did you find me Aidan?" I finally asked as Kyle sat down on the gym steps, not interested in the rest of the conversation.
"It doesn't matter Brook, we have to leave" He reaches to grab my wrist but I pulled back.
His eyes widened as I stepped backwards.
I didn't want to leave, why would I? I had everything I needed in this camp. I found my elder and I was being trained. Life didn't hold anything else for me...

"Brook isn't not—"
"Lyn..." I cut him off, building onto his shock. "It's Lyn now"
He shook his head slightly, either in frustration or grief. I wasn't the same girl that I was four months ago.
I grew up, I learned, I lost... I died. And Aidan wasn't the one I came to for advice anymore. He wasn't the knight in shining armour that I wanted to come save me. I was capable of saving myself on my own. I still missed him, I was glad he was here, that I could see him again. But I wasn't going to listen to anything he said anymore without questions.

"Why are you here Aidan?" My voice was firm. Ash stood just a feet behind me.
"I'm here to get you out of here" He stepped closer, his voice low and hinted with anger.
He seems to be in a rush.
"Does it look like she wants to leave?" Kyle spoke form the steps.
"It's not safe here" He whispered. Disregarding Kyles comment. Astrid hooked her arm in mine, lending me a little more comfort in this confusing conversation.
"What makes you say that?" She spoke with confidence.
"Someone from this camp murdered Sam and tried to murder you" He shot his eyes at Ash.
"Calm down, She has nothing to do with this camp, she's human" I raised my voice as I talked about Azima. I didn't want him to be so hostile with Ash and Kyle. It didn't help with anything.
"Do you really think you're safe here?" His eyes softened. I nodded as I held onto Ash's arm.
He turned around, nodding as he got lost in thought.

"How did you find me Aidan?" I repeated my previous question.
"I followed the hunter" He responded, I made eye contact with Astrid in shock as we both came to the same realisation. Aidan followed her back here, that meant she was here?
"Azima?" I whispered. Not realising Kyle walked up beside me.
"Do you really think she's here?" I asked him, he shrugged. His face still blank and unmoved by this revelation.
"If she is, she can't come in without the elders permission, or someone sniffing her out"
"Will the elders let her in?"
"Probably" He nodded as he looked into the distance.
"She won't get away with killing a human though. The elders take that seriously" Astrid comforted me.
"What should we do with your fried?" Kyle nodded towards Aidan, who had his back turned to us, staring into the tree line. Thinking.
"He can be nice I swear"
"Being nice doesn't excuse breaking and entering"
"Could you just ask the elders if he could stay? Please?" I pleaded, his eyes softened slightly and with and eye roll he nodded.
"As if we need more feeders" He snickered. I understood.
Truly, feeders seemed very annoying form a seekers point of view. They get riled up too easily. They where aggressive and angry and hard to reason with. They where stubborn and strong willed. While seekers where calm and collected, they thought things through. They read people, and they where bored of them. I understood that now, now I tried to channel my seeker side.
People with strong emotions where a liability.
I needed to contain my emotions if I wanted to be a good seeker.

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