~Keep your lips shut~

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"Brooklyn Lee" My best friend Amanda clicked her fingers in front of me.
"Sorry" I Signed "I'm just tired" I combed my fingers through my long red hair. I was too tired for conversations, I wish I was tired because of no sleep, But no, I haven't fed in almost 8 months. It Isn't easy to hunt when the prey is a deer that has had it's nutritions and was able to out run you even if you where a thing people told stories about in Romania... I was getting weaker by the hour. Hunting took time and effort that I lacked on most days. Having heightened senses and strength helped in a way, but running around in the woods just raised questions in most people. And I wasn't going to start robbing hospitals for my monthly dose of red liquid. And normal food just didn't do it for me anymore. I needed to hunt even if I didn't want to, even if it made me feel so guilty afterwards. I always loved animals, small, big it didn't matter I would feel guilty killing and watching the life drain from them as it slid down my throat. But the itch within me was stronger then my love for them...

Amanda popped a piece of grape in her mouth and offered me a piece, I gently shook my head and looked around the cafeteria to see if Scarlett came back yet. 
Scarlett and Amanda where my two best friends, although the past year or so I've been feeling more like a third wheel, it had nothing to do with them being bad friends but more because of me, becasue I keep things from them, I keep secrets and it builds a wall between friends. They still loved me, and I loved them, it just felt like they've got closer after my turning.

"Have you missed me?" Scarlett plopped down in the seat beside me. Stating a statement more than asking a question.
"Course I did" I winked at her and she flipped her blonde hair behind her, proud of the fact she was loved.  She was beautiful, everyone knew she was the prettiest out of the three of us, her long golden hair and big blue eyes radiated even more of the barbie energy that she loved. Amanda too was very pretty, she loved wearing oversized clothes and the blue in her hair complimented her blue eyes. I always felt a little ugly compare to them, even if I didn't really care for being beautiful. The three of us were very different in both personality and looks. I was just below average height, had blood red hair and green eyes, wore mostly dark clothing. I was the moody one. Amanda was the cheery one and of course Scarlett was the pretty one. Somehow we all clocked though, not common interests wise but humour wise. We all loved dark and sarcastic jokes. I sometimes questioned why we where friends, I've known them for so long I've expected us to grow apart once we hit puberty. I questioned if I was cool enough to hang out with them sometimes too. Sometimes being insecure was more of a problem than being a blood sucker.

"I heard that there was a new guy in our class." Amanda changed the subject way too quick, she was fixing her short blue and brown hair in her pocket-size mirror as that sentence left her mouth.
"Oh, Is he hot?" Scarlett asked with a huge smile, she was always up for some gossip.
"Jeez, I'm surrounded by horny teenagers! I rolled my eyes with a small smile and Amanda and Scarlett giggled, knowing that I hated talking about intimate things, such as sex. I wasn't a snow flake or anything, I was just bored of talking about "who is the hottest guy in school was" or who "would you sleep with" it just felt too shallow to me to care... It didn't help that I also wasn't good at the dating thing, the only guy I've ever kissed was my childhood best friend and family friend Sam, that kiss was years ago now but it was still the only intimate thing that I've ever done.

"At least we get some action" Amanda teased as she elbowing me in the stomach.
"I don't need action , I got better things to do in my spare time"
I explained, kind of annoyed at the fact that we where still on this subject as I elbowed Amanda in the ribs as payback.
She rolled her eyes and went back to what she was really taking about. Obviously disregarding my slight discomfort.
"I heard that he is super hot, he's got black hair and beautiful blue eyes."
She explained enthusiastically as she combed a finger through her short black and blue hair.

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