~The Brood~

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My eyes shot open, my breathing was heavy and I was panicked. Whatever has happened since I've been knocked out could not have been great.
I expected to be tied down or at least wounded in some way. I was not. I was perfectly fine. I was laying in a soft bed, made with soft pale blue sheets. I was still wearing my bloody clothes. Forcing me to remember the events that to my knowledge happened a few minutes ago. I had no clue how long I've been laying here. Or where I was for that matter. All I knew was that Sam was dead and Alex believe that I was responsible. He tried to shoot me with the same gun that killed Sam.
The hunter that's fault it actually was got away with a dislocated wrist a slight concussion. Because I let her get away.
I wished I killed her, even if the consequences were that I'd turn feral.

I couldn't think of the past now, I was laying in an unknown room, in an unknown bed. Ive been kidnapped, I was ambushed right in front of my house and I couldn't stop it. Now I had to think, think about what could they want and how could I get out.
I stood up, looking around to make sure no one was around, making sure there were no traps.
I looked down at my feet, my socks still soaked in Sams blood. I sighed, trying to push the image of me kneeling in a puddle of red liquid as I inspected the room.
There was a dresser by the end of the bed, a dark wood, my boots where laid on top. There were no windows, instead there was a painting of the norther lights hung above the bed. A wardrobe not far to the left of it, I assumed it would be empty so I didn't bother to check.
A white rug was laid under my foot. Stainless, this room must not get used or it has been cleaned recently.
The door was just beside the wardrobe. I contemplated rushing for it, running as far as I could.
But what would wait on the other side? Was I guarded? Like a prisoner? Would they let me run? What have they done to my friends? Was a question that jumped forward.
Where where Alex and Aidan? Did they still believed that I was a feral? Were they looking for me?

Without further hesitation I reached for the door knob, before I could turn it I heard the faint click of the handle and the door swung open.
My eyes where met with a girls, about the same height as me. Pixie cut lavender hair and grey eyes. She smelled like coconut, her skin was also tanned. She wore a black dress with a grey sweater on top. She must've been a drainer.
She was very pretty, looked to be about my age too. Her figure was plumber than my own, her hips wide and her chest big, like a cola cola bottle. Her nails were painted the same lavender colour as her hair.
I stepped back, ready to fight for my way out as she stepped in, smiling sweetly.
She put her hands up, trying to reassure me that she was no threat.
She was unsuccessful, I still had my reasons to be on edge, I've been kidnapped. I was ready to do whatever it took to get out.

"It's ok, I couldn't hurt you even if I wanted to" she smiled, it was true, drainers were much weaker than feeders.
"What do you want?" I barked back, trying to get more information out of her before making a run.
"Talk" She responded, her arms still in the air.
"You" She finally let her arms fall to her side.
"So you kidnapped me?" I was starting to become annoyed. She was not being specific enough.
"You where not coming willingly" Her smile fell.
"Like hell I wasn't" I responded, letting my voice fill with anger. Did she really expect me to come willingly after what happened?
"Why would I come? What do you have to offer?" I asked, sort of curious and sort of anxious as I waited for an answer.
"Why not? Did you have a plan?" She asked, almost mockingly.
"I don't know how that's any of your business. Or why I should want to stay here" I looked around me "Wherever I am?"
She chuckled.
"This place is full of vampires, it's safe" She responds and I squinted at her, looking for the catch. I didn't care how safe it was here, I wanted to live my own life. On my terms. Far, far away from my old life's. Even though I had no clue where I was currently.
"You also nearly killed Azima" she commented and my eyes shot at her.
Was that her name, the hunter, why where hunters and vampires working together to capture me? She very specifically said she wanted my kind dead.
"You sent her?" I stepped closer, suddenly more aggressive than I intended, suddenly I felt taller than her, stronger.
"No, of course not." She responded rapidly, her eyes becoming wider with regret at her choice of words.
"We wanted to be civilised about bringing you here, she wanted to do things by force. She ran after you beaten her and we haven't seen her since" She explained. So this "Azima" girl went against them, whoever these vampires were. She wanted to take me by force and make sure I did whatever she wanted. But she killed Sam, she killed my only real connection to my humanity. She also underestimated me, she hasn't been trained. She wasn't a real hunter.
"So why did you knock me out?"
"I told you, we wanted to bring you here, be sure you were safe, but Azima made that very difficult. You wouldn't have listened to reason if we came to you after she killed your friend" she explained. She was right. I wouldn't have hesitated to kill anyone that came near me while Sam's cold body laid in front of me.
"If I ever see her again, I'm going to kill her" I sneered. I was never one fond of revenge, it was poisonous, pointless, It will never bring Sam back. But I wanted to her scared, even more scared then she was that night. I wanted to see her pink eyes glisten with terror before I snapped her in half.
Her smile came back, she nodded.
"I didn't blame you" She shrugged "She was always a pain in the ass"
Her smile faded after a couple of seconds.
"The boy, in the living room" Her voice was soft and low, she didn't want to anger me further but she was curious. My eyes shot up at her again as she mentioned Sam.
"Was he dear to you?"
I nodded. Sadly, his death still hasn't settled with me. It was like the light that lived in me, my last bit of hope for a normal life has been snuffed out as he took his last breath.

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