~Bluer than the ocean~

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The Sun just came up and it's Peeking through my window making my room bright. I slowly sat up on my bed , looking round me and rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. I slowly got out of bed and head to my closet picking out a black sweater and
black ripped jeans,leaving my hair hanging loose.
I was full of energy after my late night hunt and extra sleep. Ive almost forgoten what happened yesterday with the new guy.But it kept creeping up on me like an annoying relative at family gatherings!

I got dressed and headed out the door. I heard my phone ringing in my back pocket , I quickly pressed the green answer button on my screen without glancing at the caller ID.

"Hello" I said while closing the door behind me
"Oh Brook! I need you to wear something bright today!" Scarlett's cheery voice said and I knew she was doing something that I'd consider stupid.
"Sorry! I already got dressed! I'm gonna be in school in 5 minutes! I said and put the phone down on her, stretching my arms before I walked across the road and into the woods, I wasn't going to walk to school. Running was so much more sufficient and fun, but it had its risks! I had to be quite, people could be around.

I stretched my legs and arms Once more, making myself feel confidant and ready to give it my all.
I started running as fast as I could, making the grass and mud fly in the air behind me when I lifted my feet of the ground.
My eyes got filed again, they got wild and black as my pupils expanded. I was in "hunter mode" as I call it, nothing could stand in my way!
I smiled to myself while feeling the wind gripping into my hair making it flip behind me.

I looked to the side and see a black blur run beside me , first I thought it was my own reflection somehow; but no it was the person from yesterday.
What is he doing here? Wasn't yesterday enough for him?
He tried to get In front of me , I was stronger than yesterday , he had no chance or so I thought . I was running as fast as I could , but he was still stronger then I was ! He managed to get in front of me and run. He made it look impossible to run in the speed he was running at.

I didn't wanted to give up like  last night so I thought I go around him. I was going to make it but then he went in a complete other direction.
He went deeper into the woods , and I couldn't follow him I had to get to school.

The curiosity hit me! Who is he?? He obviously saw my face, but I haven't seen his.
Is he stalking me? Or do we just keep bumping into each other? Was he the same one as yesterday? Was there more of me in these wood? In this town?

I tried to get these thoughts out of my head and ran in full speed again. trying to reach my destinations as fast as possible.
When I got to school people where already out on the corridors, talking , looking into their lockers. Some were waiting for others while chewing their pink bubble gums. The football guys were play fighting or throwing paper balls at others. There where people talking leaning against lockers , girls fixing their makeups and people looking like zombies as they walked down the hallways looking half asleep.
I walked down the corridor with my black leather backpack on one shoulder while trying to get to my locker.
The floor was full of fresh bubble gums and paper balls.
I finally got to my all black locker with red and blue glitter all over it , it was Scarlett's idea, Of course. I liked it as it stood out a little from the rest as others just stuck stickers over theirs. I was never one to want to stick out from the crowd but either way I was, I had bright red hair and I had a reputation of lashing out at people very unneccisaraly, it was true but my life has been a little irratating since before I was turned. I have a right to be angry at everything and everyone... 

When I opened my locker one of my books fell out and landed on someone's foot. They where standing way too close to my locker to be fair so if anything it was their fault.. still i couldn't just say that.
"Ow" the person hissed. It was a heavy book, a History book with a hard cover an everything, and this guy was wearing sneakers.
"I'm sorry!" I said kneeling down to get my papers together that very unluckly flew out of the book.
When I stood up the guy was already gone. Without another word!
Behind me i noticed the new guy, Aidan! He was wearing a dark blue hoodie... navy is what Scarlett would describe it as, an almost black blue colour that complimented his strangly bright blue eyes.
His hair was perfectly falling into his face making him getting it out of his eyes with a simple shake of a head to the right.

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