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Solid land that didn't rock and judder under her feet was a very strange sensation. Dixon almost expected the ground to begin lurching as she walked up the shingle of the beach.

A month had passed, just like that.

The boat captain trailed behind them, Chaol holding a dagger to his side in case he tried to make a run for it. Dorian strode at the front with Nesryn, their ebony hair tousled by the wind.

Dixon walked with Ress and Nox, playing with the ends of her hair nervously. She was feeling all jittery, even though she knew her orders were to stay silent when facing the Pirate Lord.

'Look at that,' she heard Nox whisper. He was gesturing to a broken chain attached to a catapult tower. 'What in gods realm happened there?' Debris and splintered wood and crumbling stone lay there on the far side of the bay.

Nesryn turned her head to survey the wreckage. 'That is the work of two assassins who helped free a couple hundred of slaves.' Dixon felt a shiver of awe run through her. 'Now come on,' Nesryn said impatiently. 'I hope that by the time we get there it will still be midday, not night.'


Rolfe, once again, was late.

Getting to his cabin hadn't been too hard, not when the thugs had taken one look at their gleaming weapons and number and scooted. Dixon swiped a few gold coins off a bar table as they passed by. Nox gave her a conspirator's grin, and wiggled his fingers in his already-bulging pocket.

Other pirates stared, but Dixon wasn't too scared. She knew she looked weak and timid and actually, truly did not possess the ability to fight, but overall, that gave her an advantage. No one gave her another look; they all disregarded her immediately.

So they'd made it to the Pirate Lord's cabin fairly easily. He'd been notified in a month's advance that he'd be receiving visitors, soon.

And yet he was still late.

Nesryn, Dorian, Chaol and Ress all had been trained to remain still when on duty (or when seated at the throne, in Dorian's case). But the boat captain, Nox and Dixon began to fidget, and Dixon became so restless and curious that she slowly, unwittingly drifted to Rolfe's desk, reaching a hand for that glass bowl of emeralds, when-

'Get back.' Nesryn's sharp voice cut through the atmosphere.

Dixon felt heat rise to her cheeks and she retreated to the corner of the room.

'Dixon and Ress, do you mind stepping outside with the captain?' Nesryn asked. Dixon nodded; she knew it wasn't punishment, they just couldn't afford the captain hearing. She stepped towards the door.

Just as she did, the door swung open, and a man with a face of stubble and scars stalked in.

He went right up to the desk and slumped in the chair behind it, running a lazy hand through his hair before clasping his hands together and placing his forearms on the table.

'I knew I was expecting visitors, but not this many,' Rolfe remarked.

'Please excuse us,' Dixon muttered, keeping her eyes on the ground as she made for the door.

Rolfe stopped her with an airy wave of a hand. 'Why are you leaving?'

'Because I asked them to,' Nesryn replied, and her tone was hard enough that Rolfe didn't deign to object as Ress and the boat captain slipped out after her.

The last thing she heard was a brisk, 'Right. Let's get started,' before the heavy wooden door swung shut and Dixon was left to drown in the silence.


The king probably knew of Aedion's betrayal. Aedion's only guess as to why troops hadn't been sent up already to kill them all because it would have been an unnecessary waste of soldiers.

It had taken a month to get to Terrasen. The Bane was now camped on a plain just beyond Perranth, as instructed by Ren.

The courtesan, Lysandra, having been the only woman of the entire group was treated very well by his soldiers.

As dusk fell and his men were readying for rest or night watch, he approached her. The sounds of crackling fires and gentle murmurs and soldiers sharpening their blades drowned out his footsteps. Only when he stood a few sword-lengths away did she turn her head.

Lysandra looked at him warily, and he knew she must have heard the names before. Adarlan's whore.

But she only said, 'What do you want?'

'To provide a fine lady company, and nothing more.'

She turned away, but he could have sworn her lips curled into a smile. 'Well-'

A horn blew, and Aedion stiffened. And all too soon, the sound of thundering hooves filled the night. Soldiers were on their feet, readying their shields and weapons. But there was one voice which shouted above all the din, 'Stop! Stand down!'

But the order went unnoticed by many. Aedion scanned the plain till he found Ren standing near the head of the tents, shouting almost-inaudible things. He met Aedion's gaze.

Aedion bellowed, 'STOP.'

The order resounded through his men, and the noise dimmed till the thundering hooves were audible once again. And, from over the horizon, a small army galloped into view.

At their head was a young woman with a head of wine red curls dressed in silver armour. A snarling wolf's head adorned the pommel of her sword.


eek sorry ! i forgot it was friday yesterday :')

but just oof

also life hasn't been great recently


hope you liked it and i'm sure you can guess who the woman at the end was ;)

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