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'Is that Aelin Galathynius?'

'It can't be. She's dead.'

'Then who's that? Why are there two of them?'

'There's Fae as well.'


'What are they doing here?'

'Who do they think they are?'

Whispers, some full of awe, others full of hate and distrust. Aelin shot glares at all the soldiers as she stalked towards the centre of the camp, lifting her chin higher as the stares fixed upon them grew. She felt a small rumble of amusement and approval come from Rowan's throat.

'I'm sorry,' she muttered. 'I don't know why the idiots seem to dislike us so much.'

'Don't be,' Rowan growled. He snarled at the onlookers, baring his fangs, and suddenly the weight of gazes disappeared, and the path was empty.


Someone cleared their throat by the entrance. 'Done with your happy family reunion yet? The rest of us are freezing our asses off outside.'

'Oh, shut up,' Aelin mumbled. 'You lot can wait for as long as I care.'

But Aedion drew away, nose wrinkling as a new scent hit his nostrils. It was pine and snow - just like Terrasen, yet stronger. He barely restrained his jaw from dropping as a huge male figure entered his tent.

And suddenly, Aedion realised that he was still in his nightclothes.

A Fae male with long silver hair stared at him, arms folded. There were blades strapped to every inch of him that Aedion could see. Piercing green eyes raked over him, the male's mouth remaining a harsh, thin line. Aedion gaped internally. 'Aelin, what in Erilea have you been doing these past few months?'

Aelin grinned, stepping backwards and draping an arm around the male's shoulders. Aedion bit his lip to stifle his amusement as he noticed she'd stretched up onto her tip-toes just to become level with the male. Then, following the humour, a wave of jealousy washed over him. Despite reminding himself that this was the first time they'd seen each other in years, and that Aelin must have made some new companions-

'Keep thinking like that, and you'll be better off dead.'

Aedion glanced upwards to the male, green eyes stony as ever.

Aelin poked the male's side. He didn't flinch. 'You're so much worse around strangers,' she muttered. 'Aedion,' Aelin said dramatically once again, 'meet this grump of a hawk, Rowan Whitethorn-'

Aedion was bowing before she'd even finished. Shit. This, this was him - the Rowan Whitethorn.

Another two figures appeared, each one just as muscular as the last. 'And these two,' Aelin continued, 'are Connall Moonbeam, who is thankfully less of a grump than dear Rowan here, and Endymion Whitethorn, whom I owe a lot to He's the one who sailed us over from Wendlyn.'

Aedion was sure he'd pissed his pants in awe.

The two blinked at him - then left the tent.

'Don't mind them,' Aelin beamed.

Rowan snorted, then poked Aelin back in the side as he, too, left the tent.

A third person appeared, but to his utter surprise, Aedion sensed both human and Fae blood. Another demi-Fae.

'This is the last person I'll introduce now,' Aelin said, already sounding restless. 'This is Enya Galathynius, my twin, and your cousin.'

The female stepped into the path of light - and two almost-identical faces stared at him.

Aedion decided to go back to sleep.


Nox had seen a whole shit-load of new people enter the camp today. A man called Sam, who'd asked where he could find Lysandra. A demi-Fae woman called Enya, searching for Ansel. She'd looked exactly like Aelin. Then the Fae themselves.

Nox didn't know exactly what to make of it all. Many soldiers respected them out of fear, or openly loathed them. Nox, rather, was curious, to some extent. Perhaps he'd approach the one named Endymion first, as they'd seemed the most friendly.

But he had a message to deliver first; one from Lord Darrow to Aelin Galathynius, and gods -  the Queen of Terrasen - the queen - his queen - was still alive. He could barely contain his tears at that, let alone set his eyes upon her. Still, Nox went to her tent. There was the sound of a deep, velvety male voice intertwining with the huskier one of the queen's.

He went up to the entrance and cleared his throat. The voices were already quiet by then, and the sound of Aelin's voice drifted out. 'Who's there?'

'Nox Owen.' He trailed off after that, unsure of how to address her.

'Aelin is fine.'

There was a low remark from the male, then a hiss from Aelin.

'Come in,' she called.

Nox entered hesitantly. He found a green-eyed Fae watching her keenly.

'What is it?'

Nox managed to tear his eyes away from the Fae male, convinced he was burning bright red under the weight of that heavy gaze. 'I have a message for you from Lord Darrow.'

Aelin cocked her head, and Nox began to sweat profusely in the midst of winter. To be watched, stared at like a piece of prey by none other than Aelin Galathynius-

'If you have someone to say, then say it,' the male growled.

Aelin glared at him, and Nox was glad she wasn't looking at him with those fiery eyes. Yet the male returned the look with a gaze equally cool and level. Something seemed to pass between the two, and Nox swallowed, waiting. Finally, the male broke away, letting out a huff. 'I'm sorry for his behaviour,' Aelin said.

'Who are you to act on behalf of me?' the male muttered.

Aelin smiled painfully. 'Really great first impressions, Rowan.'

Rowan. So that was his name.

Nox cleared his throat. 'Darrow wishes to meet you as soon as possible. He's been waiting here for a long time.'

Aelin's gaze went blank immediately. She stared at Nox without really seeing him, then said cuttingly, 'You are dismissed.'

Nox forced away his trembling and nodded, bowing. As he reached the flaps of the tent, he heard her say, 'Nox Owen, was it? In another universe, I hope we become good friends.'

Nox turned his head, smiled, then left.

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