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One week later, Nesryn found herself jogging the same track round the game park as she'd been doing the past few days - the only difference being that the other Champions ran with her.

To her surprise, a hulking mountain of muscle whose name she'd learnt was Cain, led the pack. Nesryn had pushed herself to the middle, and though would never admit it, her legs were close to the point of collapsing.

Nox, another competitor looked no better off than her, and offered a panting smile through tightly clenched teeth. She couldn't return it.

With a final burst of breath, the Champions cleared the finish line, Cain rewarded with a massive clap on the back by Brullo, the weapons' master.

Slowly, the crowd and competitors cleared away, leaving Chaol and Nox.

'Not bad there, Faliq,' Chaol nodded. She looked over to Nox. But his face was fixed elsewhere, and she saw him give a little dip of the head before turning away. He didn't look at Nesryn.

She spun to find what had caused that small gesture of respect. 'What a pleasant surprise to find you here, Faliq,' Nehemia Ytger smiled.


The windows being battered with falling raindrops and the sky having darkened to a grey, Nesryn and Nehemia retired to walking round the castle. Chaol had strolled off, claiming he was busy for the afternoon.

'How long will you be staying here?' Though Nesryn's own Eyllwe was nowhere near perfect, and rather shabby, Nehemia had understood her well enough.

The princess played with the golden bracelets clasped around her wrists. 'For as long as it takes.'

For as long as it takes.

Nesryn pursed her lips.

Nehemia strolled up to a large, rain-splattered window, and gently laid her slender fingers upon the glass. 'Promise me, Faliq, to be safe,' the princess said softly, eyes fixed upon the sky. 'Know your limits, and do not risk too much.'

Her heart thumping with an odd beat, Nesryn gave a small nod. The princess turned to half-face Nesryn as the strange look in her eyes disappeared. 'Right, Faliq,' she ordered briskly. 'Show me the library.'


Seeing as Chaol was unavailable today, Nesryn didn't fancy training, nor did the idea of talking a walk through the damp gardens seem appealing. So she sat by the fireplace, a closed volume laid upon the table beside the couch.

It was quiet, apart from the muted patter of falling drops outside. So quiet that she could hear a soft scraping noise-

Her head snapped up. What was that? Nesryn studied the room carefully, the door, the windows, the furniture, the walls-

The tapestry waved. Rippling, as if there was a phantom wind pushing it from behind.

Slowly, Nesryn stood, gripping a sword tightly.

As she gazed closer, she could see a beautiful woman dressed in black, body turned ever so slightly to face the canvas. Clever. Nesryn felt her heart accelerate as she peeled back the tapestry. And there, tucked inconspicuously into the wall, sat a door.

Sword beginning to feel clammy in her grip, she pushed on the handle.

At first, nothing happened. But then there was a creak and a small squeal - and the door swung forwards.


Though she felt slightly stupid doing it, Nesryn sliced off the edge of a spare bedsheet to reveal the fraying cottkn beneath, and with that as the best substitute for string she could find, she began a cautious descent.

Her sword was almost sliding from her grip, slick with sweat by the time the string ran out. Cursing her paranoia, she followed the sounds of running water.

The end of the tunnel led to a large grate - and beyond that, the sewers. Her stomach leapt. The sewers were a forgotten labyrinth of underground passageways, brilliant for sneaking out... undetected. Did the Gods mean to give her such luck? Hand clammy, she eased through the metal bars, and began a brisk walk up the sewage river.

Gods, though, it stank here. Her eyes watered slightly as the tunnels got narrower, the walls closing in around her. The damp moist on the walls reflecting a faint gloom, illuminating the passageway enough for her to see. Stomach churning, she ducked her head and walked on.

When the tunnel finally opened up again, Nesryn found herself faced with a left-or-right dilemma. However, dim light could be seen at the end of the left passage - so she went that way.

The ladder up to the sewer grate in the ground was familiar, and though the sides were rusted a coppery-brown and slimy with algae, the limbs shone silver and were worn smooth - as if countless people had used it before. Nesryn sheathed her sword and climbed up.

The grate slid open silently and easily, revealing a dark night swathed with shadows within the slums of Rifthold. No one but a single urchin saw her as she stood, brushed herself down, and strode on. She decided her cloak stank too much, so she unfastened it and slung it over her arm. Hopefully no one would try to smell her. But then again... she wasn't going there for presentation.

Finding the door behind the tapestry made everything much, much easier. She wouldn't have to make up a pathetic excuse, or jeopardise her place at the castle. Nesryn almost smiled. Well, would have - but she wasn't the smiling sort of person, anyway.

She stopped a few blocks away from the Vaults, next to a grey door that would lead to a shabby, worn house - just like the rest of the slums. Inconspicuous - but the venue was still changed each time.

Nesryn knocked four times, waited patiently, and then knocked another four.

A cloaked figure eased open the door, face shadowed by the hood. 'Gods above,' the man said, laughter evident in his tone, 'you smell like shit.'

'I'll take that as a compliment, considering your living standards, Allsbrook,' she said back. 'Hiding underground again, were you?'


ayy survived first term of schoolllll

on the plus side, its winter break and i can officially walk without crutches

on the down side, i have a revision timetable for the exams that are next summer :'(

hope you're all well :))

also for those of you who like reading dark romance, go check out the games we play by waonder... i don't usually advertise books but this one was exceptional - do go read it if you think it's to your tastes :))

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