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Heart pounding, Lysandra slid off her horse.

The Wolf of the North raked a gaze over her and smiled. His handsome face looked exactly like Celaena's. How had no one realised it before? 'Hello, beauty.' He looked at the man beside her. 'What are you doing here?'

'Don't you remember your friend, Aedion?' Ren's voice cut through the silence, sharp and clear.

The general rolled his eyes. 'Hiding under a hood as always, Allsbrook.' He flipped his sword and slid it into the scabbard at his side with a practiced movement. 'What's your name?' he asked her.


'You are a pretty little thing, aren't you?' he mused. Then, louder, 'Kyllian, watch the soldiers for me. I'll be back soon.'

A man who she somehow hadn't spotted nodded, pivoted on his heel, and walked back through the brush. Aedion jerked his head for them to follow.

'Right,' the general said once he was satisfied no one was in earshot, 'what was so urgent that you couldn't wait for me to come back?'

'Don't return to Adarlan. Start heading North, to Perranth.'

'And why should I do that?'

'You've always been a loyal subject to the king. But you need to choose where your royalties lie now, Aedion.'

The general kept his eyes fixed on Lysandra. She wasn't sure if he was even listening to Ren. 'Blood or royal-bound duties?' she snapped at him.

He let out a slow chuckle. 'Blood? I have no family left to fight for, not from Terrasen.'

'Surely you must have heard of the war to be waged against Terrasen.'

'There is no opposition great enough to oppose the king's.'

Lysandra felt her pulse race. 'But what if there is? What if there is, Aedion - hidden forces scattered all around Erilea who are prepared to fight?'

'Then they'll be crushed and put down,' the general said, bored.

'What if,' Lysandra said, blood pounding through her ears and threatening to block out all noise, 'they had a leader?'

'Me?' Aedion's face looked amused - and still bored.

'Not you,' Ren said. 'We mean Aelin Galathynius.'


Silence roared through Aedion's head. He felt the smile slip from his face. 'Aelin Galathynius is dead,' he said weakly.

The woman, Lysandra, stared at him with astonishingly green eyes. He hadn't lying when he'd said she was beautiful. She shook her head. 'Have you heard of Adarlan's Assassin, Celaena Sardothien?'

He nodded.

'Then there you have it.'

Aedion blinked. 'You're saying that the assassin is the princess.'

'Precisely,' Ren said, without missing a beat. 'I'm not going to dally any longer. Aelin Galathynius is currently across the ocean, in Wendlyn. One of our allies will make sure she returns in a few months.'

'Aelin is alive,' Aedion breathed. 'And you want her to lead an army against the king?'

'With your legion, we would stand a better chance.'

'If I refuse, then you've made a huge mistake in coming here to tell me this.'

'This isn't a game or a joke,' Ren snapped.

Aedion closed his eyes. When he opened them, he said, 'Stop hiding, Kyllian.' His friend appeared, looking slightly sheepish at having been caught eavesdropping. 'Get a message to the king that our return has been delayed. There are more rebels here than we anticipated, so we will not be arriving in Rifthold as expected. Once you've done that, gather the troops. We march for Terrasen tomorrow.'


Out of their small group, Nesryn was treated as their leader. Nox and Dixon, both thieves, had not much use at the moment, not until the they reached Skull's Bay. Dorian and Chaol were useful because they offered more information and insight into the king's plans. Apparently the king was still gathering his legions and fleets, so they still had half a year at most to make preparations. But time was precious.

'It's a wonder the king hasn't sent a whole army to look for you yet, Dorian,' Nesryn commented. 'Adarlan must be in uproar. We're all wanted fugitives, now.'

She grinned.

'She's crazy,' Dorian muttered. 'We're all crazy.'

Nesryn punched him in the shoulder, and Dorian winced. 'Feel free to do that more often,' Nesryn addressed the whole group. 'No one's prince, no one's low class here. We're all companions and equals.' She hit him again.


just a filler, nothing important

also btw idk if i've mentioned already but the cadre all have long hair still :))

also i have too many story ideas pouring into my mindddddd

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