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A land of pine and snow, a city of light... mountains and lakes and icy winds-


'Yes, your freedom. So I suggest you get your arrogance in check, Sardothien, unless you want to return to the mines.'

Celaena readjusted her shackles delicately, waiting for him to continue.

'My father has gotten it into his head that he needs a Champion.'

There was a heartbeat of silence - and then to the captain's utter dismay, Celaena burst out laughing. "Your father wants me to be his champion?" Her head lolled back, and though the giggles had subsided, there was still a large grin on her face. "What - don't tell me that he's managed to eliminate every noble soul out there! Surely there's one chivalrous knight, one lord of steadfast heart and courage."

'Watch your tongue,' Chaol warned.

'How about you?' she mused, mouth curled in a wicked smile. 'Your beloved king finds you inadequate?' At his barely-concealed growl, she tipped her head towards Dorian. 'Continue, prince.'

'My father needs someone-'

'To be his crooked dagger, to silence those who are difficult, and keep them quiet as the grave.' Celaena threw a pensive look in his direction, eyes no longer twinkling. 'If I accept?'

'Then, after six years, you'll be free.'

Six years! But the word free echoed through her mind once again. She asked, 'And what if I decline?'

'If you decline,' Dorian drawled, 'you remain in Endovier.'

It was as if a door had been slammed in her face.

'There's a catch if you were to accept, though.' He gave a half-smile. "The position isn't being offered to you. Yet. My father thought to have a bit of fun. He's hosting a competition. He invited twenty-three members of his council to each sponsor a would-be Champion to train in the glass castle and ultimately compete in a duel. Were you to win, you'd officially be Adarlan's Assassin."

Enunciating each word slowly, carefully, Dorian Havilliard asked, 'So, Sardothien, what do you choose?'


'We're leaving.'

The apple fell from Lysandra's fingers, thudded against the ground once, twice, then rolled to a halt by her feet. 'What?'

'We're rescuing Celaena. Then leaving this continent.'

'I'm coming.'

'No, you can't,' he said. He had to make her understand.

'Why not?' Her eyes flashed, and Sam was reminded suddenly of Celaena.

'You have to remain here. It's safer.'

'And you're fine, throwing yourselves into danger? I don't even know if you're going to come back!' Lysandra threw up her hands, tears glistening in her eyes and anger trembling on her lips.

It felt horrible to lie; to weave false hope and fantasies. But he said, 'We will come back. We will be safe.'

He walked closer, till her head was tilted, gazing at him. A tear slipped from the corner of her eye. And he wiped it away with a knuckle. 'I know you're already strong, and have courage. Be brave, Lysandra.'

Enya pushed open the door behind them, and Sam stepped away. She was dressed in identical attire to himself - the suits that Arobynn had once issued him and Celaena. The suit had fit her perfectly due to their similar stature.

'Lysandra,' she said urgently, 'I need you to do something for me when we're gone.'

'I'm not a babe,' Lysandra snapped. 'Stop treating me like one, telling me everything will be alright and giving me so-called tasks.'

Enya growled. 'You'd better listen. This is important.' She moved closer to Lysandra, leaning in to place her mouth by the dark haired's ear, lips moving too rapidly, voice too low for Sam to make out the words. Lysandra exhaled a long breath once Enya stepped back. 'I'm sorry this was so all abrupt. But remember that.'

Then she smiled and hugged Lysandra quickly before gathering her belongings and walking out the front door.

Sam did the same, but just as he reached the threshold, he turned to look over his shoulder. 'I'm entrusting this place to you. Take good care of it. And don't tell anyone about our whereabouts. I promise you, Lysandra, that we will be back. Stay safe.' Then he walked out into the night, unable to rid his mind of the fair-haired woman - and the glimmering tears on her cheeks.


Aedion Ashryver is coming to Rifthold two years from now. He will host parties upon arrival. Find him then. Find Ren and Murtaugh Allsbrook. Find Nehemia Ytger and Nesryn Faliq.. You will be safe with them. And when we return, I'll explain everything properly.

Then more about the gathering rebels in Erilea. Lysandra gazed round the now-empty apartment, suddenly feeling more alone than ever.

But she hadn't even bathed in the silence for more than a few minutes when a knock sounded on the door, fast and impatient.

Shit. Lysandra silently made her way to the couch where Enya had left a dagger, and clutching it to her chest, she walked to the door silently.

'Excuse me,' a female voice asked, 'I'm looking for a Lysandra.'

Lysandra froze.

'Hello?' the voice said again, sounded slightly impatient.

With trembling fingers, Lysandra eased open the door.

'Hello,' the woman said. 'I presume you're Lysandra. Nice to meet you. My name is Nesryn Faliq.'

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