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hello there and welcome to my longass intro that contains crucial information that you probably shouldn't skip

1. summary

this story is basically a vvv simplified au
if sam were alive
if celaena had a twin sister
if the mating bonds were different

2. changes

the following are omitted from the story, sorry for disappointing
events on the southern continent
events in morath
wyrd (but not valg)

this is literally just because as i wrote, i realised i couldn't keep up with the complexity of the original series so i decided to cut out things for simplicity

3. n.b.

although this is another throne of glass fan fiction, it's not a sequel for to the stars
set after the assassin's blade
contains loads of spoilers so read at your own risk :)
but like, i mean you've probably read the series or you wouldn't be here
and if you haven't read it, then shoo and go ready yourself to read it (bc you're in for a hell of an emotional rollercoaster)
also this book veers from the og plot so wildly because even the author has no idea what she's written
profanities are used

if i do this


then it means either a time skip or change in perspective

i do write with correct punctuation and grammar dw, i just tend to write author's notes in text style

i also mark my author's notes after chapters with dates formatted like [YY/MM/DD] so if you see random numbers rest assured it's not me glitching

5. disclaimer

i don't own the universe or any names (apart from the odd one here and there)

6. jkjk

et oui, c'est ça.

hope you enjoy reading!

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