“Oh my,” Elijah said, walking in as he brushed his shirt off. “Looks like Vexxy is pissed at you.”

“You have thirty seconds to explain why you burst in here, demanding to see me, and caused such a scene.” You snapped, pressing the blade further against his neck. 

“I found the stone mask,” He said. “I couldn’t find you anywhere, so I searched around. Someone tipped me off that you hung around here.”

“I said I’d come after you when I was ready,” You said, removing your blade as you stepped back. Dio sat up and rubbed the spot you’d had placed your dagger at.

“Lazing around a tavern makes it seem like you're pretty busy to me,” He spat sarcastically. It was now Elijah’s turn to grab him and slam him up against the wall. Dio grunted from the force of his back hitting the wall so hard it made one of the pictures drop to the floor. 

“I’m not a ragdoll! Get your dirty mutt off me, Vex!” He yelled, gripping Elijah’s wrist. 

“He isn’t my mutt. More of a street dog if you ask me,” You said, turning to sit at the table. You kicked your feet back onto the table, tilting your chair back on two legs until the back of it hit the wall behind you, and crossed your arms over your chest. 

“Speak to her like that again, and you’re gonna feel this mutt’s bite,” Elijah growled. 

“Let ‘em go,” You sighed. Elijah and Dio glared at each other dangerously before Elijah released his grip on Dio, and stepped to the side. Dio made sure to bump his shoulder as he passed, making Elijah scoff. “Sit down.”

“Now who’s the dog?” Elijah sneered. 

“Shut it,” You glared at him in the corner of your e/c orbs. “I’m not dealing with children today. If you want to bargain, then I suggest we drop the petty disagreements and get down to it. I’m not one of patience, so make it quick, or I’ll lose interest very quickly.” 

“I told you what I wanted,” Dio said. “I’ve done my part, now you do yours.”

“Stealing something from right under someone’s nose isn’t the easiest task you know,” Elijah said. “Even if there is help from the inside.”

“Where is this so-called mask, anyhow?” You asked. 

“In Jojo’s study. Apparently, he found it before I did and has been doing research on it,” Dio replied, scoffing at the thought.

“Why didn’t you just take it then? Too much of a priss to get your hands dirty?” Elijah grinned. You turned to him with a murderous look, your eye twitching in annoyance. 

“One more word out of that big mouth of yours and I’ll fill it with my foot. Got it?” You snapped, raising an eyebrow. Elijah scoffed and leaned against the wall, turning his head away as if he were pouting. You turned back to Dio. “You found it quite quickly,”

“If I hadn’t heard the idiot blabbing about it, I never would have,” Dio replied. “I expected it to take much longer. I guess I overestimated the intelligence of them.”

You sighed and drummed your fingers on your arm in thought. “If you want this to work smoothly, then I’ll need some time. Getting in will be easy, but stealing the mask is another thing. I only know half of the layout of the first floor. I’ll need the entire manor’s blueprints first. From there, I’ll be able to plan my route. I’ll also need you to get the exact time each person retires for the day. Running into someone in the halls is something I’d rather avoid if possible. Get me the layout, the times, and the exact location of the mask, then we’ll discuss this further,”

Dio looked at you hard for a moment. You could easily tell that he was not the type of person to run errands for others. But you could also tell that he required this mask for something. You had no idea what for, and you didn’t know if you wanted to. He, however, would be forced to comply with you. He knew no one else that would be willing to do it with the skills that he needed. He didn’t trust anyone, and he didn't necessarily trust you either, but you were his only choice at this point. You held a grudge against Jonathan just as he did. He knew you were his best bet. Without you, he’d blunder in the dark for the idea to take it without anyone thinking it was him. But if it were you who’d taken it, then he would be innocent.

“Alright woman,” He said, standing up. “I’ll get them for you. However, you need to be more willing to work with me. I can always revoke our deal.”

“Threats mean nothing when they come from a chav like you,” You said, planting your feet on the floor with a thump. You stood up, and while Dio was taller than you, he could still see the intimidating aura coming from you. “So keep them to yourself until you can actually make them true, Brando.”

The blonde glared down at you, his eyebrows furrowing together. In the corner of your eye, you saw Elijah death-glaring him. It wouldn’t be long from now that he tried to attack the orange-eyed man. You turned your gaze back to Dio. 

“Now get out of my sight.”


Happy Thanksgiving you guys! (If you celebrate it that's is, otherwise have a great day!)

I know I've said this before, but like this is so fun to write. I usually let my sister proofread for me, and because this takes place in England, she likes to read it out loud with a British accent so now the voice she has for the reader is permanently stuck in my head and I can't read anything without it sounding it like her. But it's all cool 😂

Love you guys! Hope you're all doing well! 🥺👉👈❤💞

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