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(A/N): Someone on Reddit suggested this oneshot Sorry if it's too short.

Character A killed someone and is getting rid of the evidence, they meet Character B. (This can end in anyway you want.)

Detective Grey stuffed his hands in his pockets and turned his back on the dumpster. This is the third time he'd been there that month. It wasn't ever planned, of course, but there was no way to stop it. At least, it seemed like he couldn't stop it at that point.

Three bodies in one month is quite the body count, and he'd been there twice in the month before, Grey was basically a serial killer at that point. Add on to that fact that he always dumped the bodies in the same place, usually killed with some drugs to avoid anyone looking any further into their deaths. Even if he hadn't done something to cover up their deaths, they were criminals. Grey had saved lives when he took these people out. They were hurting others or committing serious crimes!

But the best part of that part of town he was in is that so many people went missing there that it rarely got questioned - and bodies were never found in a timely fashion.

He wondered how he would explain his lateness to Rockwell. He'd know Grey hadn't been out for drinks with a mate or off to dinner with someone. He smelled like the City pollution and looked disheveled, like he'd gotten into a row, and he'd prod about until Grey would say what it was. It was a miracle he'd kept it secret for so long. Before too long, though, Rockwell would find out.

But then something strange happened that made the stakes even higher.

"Good evening, Detective," a familiar voice cooed. It put Grey on edge immediately and his gun was drawn in the blink of an eye. He aimed it off in the shadows towards the man he knew to be Robin Faery.

"What do you want?" Grey demands reflexively.

Robin laughs. "Nothing. We just happened to cross paths."

"Doubtful," The Detective rebuked.

Robin smiled in reply and waved at someone that couldn't be seen that was behind Grey. He turned around to aim his gun at a new possible threat only to be met with and a dead body. Unfortunately, Grey wasn't surprised and he dropped his guard. It seemed clear that Robin wasn't lying. This was a body dump for more than one person, apparently.

Grey put his gun and away and returned his attention to the criminal. "Do you come here often, then? Getting rid of the evidence?"

"Isn't that why all decent men come here?" his voice is as smooth and flirtatious as ever. Grey always hated that about Robin. He seemed infatuated with every single person he spoke to, which was Grey's theory as to why he had so much power. He conned people into trusting him by making him believe that he cared about them.

Grey grunted. "Decent isn't the right word for it, I wouldn't think. Not for you."

"Maybe not for you either," Robin laughed but he was distracted in a way. At that point, Grey couldn't disagree, not entirely, and so he started to leave. He felt guilty for taking things too far again, but it was made worse by Robin antagonizing. It made a bad day worse.

As he left, though, Robin made it a point to make one final comment.

"How long until you take me off the market?"

It reiterated what he had always thought about Robin, what he'd remembered in those moments before when he made Grey seem like the center of the universe. It would never be true, of course. And yet, his words had The Detectives mind spinning. Not just about "taking him off the market" but what he had said prior to that - about being a "decent" man.

He felt angry, confused, upset, and - curious . And he didn't know which was worse.

But he did know something when he left...

That wouldn't be the last he saw of Robin Faery in the shadows of The city where they would hide their inner darkness.

Detective Grey crackfic oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now