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Day 8 of trying to get GraydeLong  to ship it :)

Prompt by LBLS_OwO : Character A asks Character B a question and B doesn't tell them, but shows them.
(A/N): Sorry this is short

"What do I mean to you, hmmm?" Questions like this annoyed Robin, and Grey knew it. But he couldn't help himself — whatever they had been doing for the past few months had eluded definition, but he'd grown tired of the constant ambiguity. He wanted something concrete with which he could evaluate what was going on.

Robin replies only with a look of surprised incredulity. Until now, they'd been enjoying a quiet evening in and to top it off, Robin was actually sober this time, they were just resting against each other. "Sorry, I didn't mean — " The detective begins.

To Grey's horror, the criminal gets up and walks out, faster than he can finish the sentence, or put together a plea for him to stay.

It isn't unusual for Robin to disappear for a few days, but considering the state he'd left in, The Detective began to worry even though he's said many times that he doesn't care for the short man.

When Robin reappears, it's as if nothing happened. Grey had been inspecting a crime scene, standing over a dried pool of blood, and calculating the time it would've taken for it to evaporate on such a hot day.

"Hello, boss," A Slightly British lilt hums, "Interfering with my work again?"

Greys head snaps up, "Ugh...please don't tell me your responsible for this crime scene..."

"Hmmm." Robin cocks his head to the side, "Brought you a present."

He shakes his right hand that's been hovering at his side, The detective just noticing he's got a royal purple velvet box clenched firmly, "Close your eyes." His voice is all business; Grey listened shutting his eyes reflexively. Robin grabs the detective's arm with his free hand, laying the palm flat, facing up.

The lid makes a small "pop" as it's pried open, a lump being pressed into Greys outstretched hand, "You may look now."

Grey blinks, and immediately becomes fixated on the blue, heart-shaped diamond he's holding: The Heart of Eternity. The rarest and most sought-after blue diamonds... ownership of this has been shrouded in mystery since it's purchase over a hundred years ago, "Robin, how in the hell— "

"Shell corporations yield the most interesting of acquisitions." Robin smiles, "You should try it sometime."

"This is..." Grey is mesmerized by the way light refracts through the carved stone, "Priceless. Unique."

"Like you." Robins voice brims with approval.

"Why are you showing me this?"

"Hold on to it." Robin closes Greys palms around the cool gem, "Obviously I came into it by... less than legal channels." He lets out a short chuckle, "And you obviously know what it's worth."

"... you're trusting me with such compelling evidence?"

"Of course."

"Why?" Grey is suddenly suspicious.

"You asked what you meant to me." Robin shrugs, "This is my answer."

It wasn't so much about the valuable item, so much as the meaning behind the gesture: in Robins eyes, Grey was the most precious of treasures.

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