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Roller Skating prompt from LBLS_OwO on discord:
"Yo @ScottTheScooter please write a fanfic about Ducky teaching Hera how to roller skate :3"

"Hera, are you alright?" A soft voice called, snapping Hera from her momentary trance. Hera turned to her girlfriend, who regarded her with the kindest of smiles. Shaking herself out of her daze, she nervously smiled back at the woman currently lacing her skates.

"I spaced out again, didn't I?" She asked, scratching her cheek anxiously. This earned a nod from Ducky, who took Hera's hand and gave it a light squeeze. "I'm sorry, it's been a really long week," Hera explained. It was true. Her plan was almost close to failing and she needed to find The Detective who escaped prison, so having fun wasn't exactly on her to-do list. But when Ducky called to invite her roller skating, how could she say no?

Ducky nodded in understanding from her spot on the ground. "Hey, you don't have to apologize. I know this week has been tough on you." She said, slightly tilting her head to the side to look up at Hera. "Do you still want to do this?" Ducky asked, momentarily halting her actions.

"Yes. Yes, of course. Sorry." Hera reassured her girlfriend, watching her smile as she finished lacing her skates. Ducky stood, her skates already making her a head taller than Hera. Taking her hands, Hera stood on wobbly legs, clinging on to Ducky's arms to keep herself steady. "I'm sorry, I've haven't done this in a while." She apologized, earning a small laugh from the woman she was currently using as a lifeline.

"It's alright, love. Here." Ducky spoke softly, taking Heras hands and gliding backward, tugging Hera along with her. Soon enough, the two of them stood by the entrance to the rink. Ducky stepped in first, helping a reluctant Hera into the rink.

"Actually, I don't know if I can do this," Hera sighed, suddenly very aware of all the people skating in circles around the rink. Ducky cupped her girlfriend's cheeks, tilting her head to look at her with a reassuring smile.

"Sure you can, love. Come on." Ducky began, bending her knees slightly before pointing one of her skates outward and lightly pushing off with the other one, feeling the four wheels begin to move her forward. After she was only a few feet away, she turned to Hera, extending her arms out in her direction. "Come on, Hera, You can do it." She encouraged.

Hera took a deep breath before nodding resolutely, doing her best to copy Duckys movement, but letting out a sharp gasp as one of her skates gave out under her. Luckily, Ducky was quick to act and caught Hera before she could fall. Both of them dissolved into a fit of giggles before Ducky got her steady on their skates. "Okay, let's try that again." Ducky encouraged, to which Hera nodded, taking her girlfriend's hand as she led them around the rink. "Left, right, left, right." Ducky repeated, showing Hera the movements once again. Hera struggled a bit at first, but after a few minutes of slight wobbles and a few words of encouragement, she got the hang of it.

"There you go! Told you you could do it!" Ducky smiled brightly, turning to look at Hera, who looked just as happy as she did. It had been a while since she had seen Hera this happy, truly. It was a beautiful sight, Ducky thought, apparently too caught up in her own thoughts of admiring her girlfriend to notice she was rapidly approaching another couple of skaters.

"Ducky watch out!" Hera called, pulling Ducky towards her too hard and causing them both to collapse on the ground. "Shit, sorry!" Hera apologized, but Ducky only laughed, tilting her head to look at Hera, who couldn't help but join in. After the laughter died down, Hera took a deep breath, letting it out in the form of a shaky sigh.

"I love you." Hera said over the sound of "Tell It To My Heart" blasting over the rink's speakers. Ducky was momentarily taken aback by Heras sudden confession, her heart pounding erratically against her chest as she listened. "All my life, I've been treated me like I'm inferior and ordinary. But you," Hera paused, a dark blush coating her cheeks. "You treat me like I'm worth something, you know? You make me feel like I'm anything but ordinary, and I love you. I... I've never been so sure of anything in my life." She finished. Ducky stared up at her with the dumbest grin on her face, cupping Heras face between her hands and leaning forward, capturing Heras lips in a sweet kiss.

Pulling away, Ducky spoke. "I love you too, Hera." She whispered, shortly kissing her girlfriend again before standing up and offering her hand for Hera to take, which she did, standing with a smile. Hand-in-hand, Hera and Ducky skated in circles around the rink. Ducky leaned close to Heras ear suddenly, speaking softly. "You were never ordinary to me. You're fascinating, enthralling.'re sensational."

Detective Grey crackfic oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें