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(A/N): Hera/Ducky Angst by GraydeLong  P.s fuck You Grey this made me so sad ;; u ;;

Hera looked down at her bleeding girlfriend as she assessed the wound quickly. Bullet straight through the chest. She knew the other woman was going to die, but couldn't accept that fact. It was too much. "Lin.." Hera said quietly, using Ducky's real name. She looked up slowly, and opened her eyes. They were wet with tears.

"Hera... H-he got me.." Ducky said with a smile as her voice broke. Hera just nodded and grabbed her hand tightly. "H-he even a-apologized a-after.." She laughed a little, then winced as she lost more blood.

"Save your breath, love. Please. It's going to be alright." Hera lied with every breath she took- it was natural for her. She had learned not to feel guilt. This lie hurt like stabs or gunshots never would.

"B-babe, do something f-for me.." She leaned closer, wanting to hear her girlfriend's last request. "Have f-fun with *your* life.. d-don't mourn me." Ducky laughed again, and started to close her eyes.

"You can't, you can't die yet, please! Come on.." Hera started pulling her arm, but she felt the pulse slowing. "Come on, my love. It's too soon."

Eventually, Hera stopped, and just sat there next to her lover's corpse.

The moon rose in the deep night sky, and Hera June got up, and started to walk away. The body had been taken by an old friend of hers to be cremated, and the blood was washed away.

"I love you, my little duck." Hera whispered as she opened a small box with a diamond ring inside....

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