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(A/N): Here's some Angst because I'm in the mood to cry and question my life decisions. This is the AU of Robin the sadistic murderer cause it makes it spicy.

The shot had been loud enough to make him flinch, even though he knew it was coming.

Grey was the one pulling the trigger, after all.

Grey watched as Robin fell off the building, catching grip to the roof, a flicker of surprise passing over his face as he pressed his hands to his side. He can see the steady flow of blood stain his hand even over the few metres between them. Robin pulls a hand away, studying it with a morbid fascination. He looks up at Grey, and a dizzying smirk tilts Robin's face.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to shoot me. Not properly."

He sways as he holds on to the building and Grey finds himself dropping the gun - Robins gun - as Robin begins to swoon with bloodloss. He starts forward just as the consulting criminal falls just a tad too far; and suddenly, the ground under him is giving slightly and he's gone.

"Robin!" Grey bellows, racing forward - because it might be over, the game might be done and finished but it's not meant to end like this.

And it won't, Grey realises with a desperate surge of relief - that he shouldn't be feeling, dammit, they're enemies - as he looks over the side of the roof. A single hand is grasping desperately at a window. Grey doesn't even think about it, simply reaches down and grabs the hand, can feel it slipping from it's place and suddenly Grey is the only thing that's stopping Robin Faery from falling into street where cars rushed through.

Despite the bloodloss Robins eyes are clear as he stares up silently at The Detective, the two men assessing one another.

Grey lets his eyes rove over this - admittedly evil - incredible man who has captured his attention and pushed him to his limits over the past few years. He is incredibly lost- even if Grey does manage to haul him back up, it is entirely possible that he'll still die of bloodloss. Probable, even.

Grey gives a slow pull, testing Robins weight against his own strength.

"What are you doing?" Robin bites out, and Grey can't hold back the snort of derision.

"Really Robin? I'm disappointed. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"It looks like you're attempting to save me, Detective. Why?"

Grey doesn't answer, just keeps pulling. For a small man, Robin is heavy and Grey is injured himself - and tired. He's so tired. But he refuses to let go.

"You pull me up and this won't end Grey. I'll kill you. I'll kill you, Rockwell, your little Cole canyon- hell, I'll even kill everyone you know."

Grey ignores him and keeps pulling. He's gained perhaps two inches, despite all his effort.

"Grey. You can't seriously want to keep going?" Robin sounds almost surprised and Grey sighs.

"Of course I don't. I'm tired of this, Robin. It's been.. interesting. But it can't continue."

"So why not let me fall?"

"Because-.....Because you have to be handed into the authorities."

Robin tried to shake himself out of Greys grasp, the motion jerking his body to and fro and causing Grey to wince, his back and shoulders straining. Robin smiled.

"They wouldn't be able to hold me and you know it darling. So really - why not let me fall?"

Grey is quiet for a moment before deciding - hell, if you can't be honest with your psychopath of an enemy, who can you be honest with?

"Hera wouldn't want me to. I shot you, and for the moment you're still alive. In Heras eyes, that makes you my responsibility."

"Aah yes, Hera - our favourite Detective It would be for you though, wouldn't it?"

Grey refuses to look away and Robin grins sardonically.

"Well, it's been lovely chatting With you dear Detective. But I'm done. You shot me, as you so kindly pointed out, and I doubt that I'd live even if you did manage to get me up there with you."

"Don't be ridiculous, you'll be fine. Then you'll spend a lovely long stint in prison and you'll try and break out and I'll plan the security details... It'll be grand" Grey gritted out.

"No, Grey. It won't be. Because you see, you stupidly ignorant man, I've won."

"I fail to see how."

Robin grins up at him, his face tinged grey his eyes calculating and malicious.

"Because, Grey. You want to save my life. You want to lock me away, nice and safe. And you know what, Grey, darling?" he reaches up with his free hand and presses it against the hand Greys got wrapped around his other wrist. It's smearing blood all over The Detectives sleeve, a sick parody of holding hands and Robin smiles serenely at the contrast of the sticky crimson drying on their skin.

"I won't let you."

Grey hisses as Robin suddenly digs his nails in with one hand and wrenches the other away and in his surprise and brief pain Grey let go of Robin and their eyes lock, Greys panicked and Robin smiles smug and falling, falling, falling out of reach-

Grey watches the distance grow between them until Robin hits the ground. Grey feels like the misted air around him is drowning him as well.....

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