Robin: Overdose

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Four patches on the pale skin of each arm, another one on his throat, and to too it off five needles full of drugs in Robins system. Something hit him and everything turned black.

"Robiiiiiiin! Wake uuuup!", said a voice in the dark.

A feeling of pain snapped through his exhausted body.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!", he whimpered.

"No... I don't want to...", Robin replied weak. He felt how the pain faded slowly and the dark got comfortable and warm around him.

"Robin don't leave me alone here!"
Something shook him and everything got bright around Robin. It felt like His feet were stuck beneath pounds of cement and iron, slowly someone pulled him out of the broken pieces.

"I'm here Robin and I won't go away even if you want it.", whispered Grey into his ear.

"Why? I... I didn't wanted to come back here.", Robin whispered back.

"It's to bright and so cold!", Robin screamed in pain as he stumbled onto his feet.

"I know, you'll go blind."

"That doesn't make any godamn sense!"

"Of course it doesn't make sense Robin, This isn't real, you've been in here for too long.", Grey explained with a bitter smile.

Robin realized instantly what
Grey meant.

"You'll be here with me forever."
Robin felt something hot creep over his face. The last thing he saw before going blind, was his own blood dripping from his nose onto the Palm of his hand.
Grey caught Robin as he fell and pulled him into a tight

"? Are you still here?", Robin coughed and got some of his nosebleed in his mouth.

"Yup, you'll have the pleasure of my presence for a long time.", came the answer. Robin clinged onto Grey while it felt for him like falling into a bottomless pit. And then the dark swallowed the both of them.

Slowly Greys body heat started to warm Robin up and he smiled. Nothing but Grey and him holding each other until eternity. The Detective looked down on the shivering Criminal, knowing very well his beloved Robin wouldn't wake up ever again.

(A/N): Damn you Jace, you write too much Angst

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