Part 2

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"Sorry I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you yeager." you smiled.

"would you like a drink? I owe you," Eren said. He smiled at you. "Maybe we can get to know each other?" He asked.

"Sure, I hope my comrades don't worry about me," you said.

"Okay, what do you prefer to drink?" He asked.

"I don't care. You choose," you said to him.

"sure. I know a good place nearby," he said. He seemed very excited.

"Okay! I'll follow you," you said as you followed him.

you walked beside him. You looked into his eyes, those big turquoise eyes reminded you of him... of Eren. But you quickly knock the thought out of your head. The man seemed to be very nice. When you arrived at the store, he opened the door for you. you went to a free table. He pushed the chair back so you could sit down.

"Take your pick," he said and smiled at you.

"You sure? It's all really expensive," you said insecurely.

"Of course. You saved my life, that's the least I can do," he said politely.

"Okay, thanks a lot! I'll have a regular coffee."

"okay I'm going to order. be right back," he said as he got up and went to the bar to get two regular cafés.

He came back and gave you your coffee. "thank you!" you said nicely.

"no problem!" he said.

"you are more open, I am glad" you said with a little smile.

"Wouldn't it be strange to babble to a stranger?" he said laughing.

"a little" you laughed.

"what is your full name, if I may ask?" you asked.

"Just yeager. I don't have a first name," he said. he looked into the air in a strange way.

"Okay, Yeager. What were you doing outside the walls?" you asked him.

"I- Honestly, I don't remember." he said confused.

"oh okay, sorry if I ask too much, if you like you can ask me something too" you said with a slight laugh.

"no problem (Y/N). How old are you actually, you seem to be very young for a fighter" he asked nicely.

" I am 17. And how old are you?" you asked. He looked a little older, but he said before that he is not that old.

"I'm 19, I was very confused when you called me sir," he laughed.

"I'm sorry! I totally misjudged you," you laughed.

"Don't worry," he said calmly.

"Hey yeager? The survey corps is still recruiting. If you were interested you seem to be very experienced," you asked him.

"We've known each other for an hour and you think I'm experienced?" he laughed. "I'll have a look at it. I actually have some experience with the 3dmg..." he said, which surprised you.

"Cool, then you can meet my friends! Do you have family here?" you asked excitedly.

"No." was all he answered.

after that it was quiet between you for a while. This 'yeager' makes a really good impression on you.


Pov Eren:

I missed her voice, her eyes and her smile! Does she suspect something? I don't think so, I am a nice guy for her. And now I can protect her while she sees it. I saved her so many times during her trips but she never saw me.

"When I grow up, I'm going to join the survey corps!

"When you go, I'll go!"

"(Y/N) It's too dangerous I want to protect you from the titans."

Why did I think of that? She still joined the survey corps even though I always wanted to protect her from the titans. But maybe she did it for me. When should I tell her about my powers? It's definitely too early now but I'm running out of time. I still have 6 years to live. In 2 years at the latest, then I will have for sure established a bond with her, then we can free the world from the real monsters.

(when its cursive its a flashback)


"what is (Y/N)?"

"I will always follow you, no matter where you go"

"Promise me"

"I promise you Eren! I will always be by your side."

"And I promise to always protect you, no matter what."

these thoughts. I can't stop thinking about our time.


Pov general:

"Hey yeager? you want to come with me? I'll introduce you to the survey corps. I'm sure they'll like you," you said.

"(Y/N) you've only known me for such a short time and you already talk about me so well," he said with a small grin.

"Yeager! that was just a motivation for you to come along," you laughed.

"Sure. I have nothing more to do today anyway," he said normally.

"great! I'm glad! They should be back in about 30 minutes," you said excitedly.

"Okay, what would you like to do in the meantime? The gate is not far from here, so we don't have to leave for 20 minutes. he asked.

"You can show me where you live! so only if you want to, I understand if you don't want to have a stranger with you," you laughed.

''you are no stranger to me'' he thought.

"Sure, follow me, it's not far from here," he said excitedly.

You move your chairs to the table and leave the bar. Eren showed you the way. Now you were standing in front of a small house. He opened the door and showed you his home. It was all very basic furnished and also very small. No wonder he lives alone.

"Now you know where I live" he laughed.

"You live very nicely here yeager," you said.

"Yes, it is enough for me. Next time you can show me your home," he said and smiled.



Sorry for the short chapter. you get closer and closer to Eren hihihi. Please do not forget to vote or comment if you notice any mistakes :) Have a nice day / night.

𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚊 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝙀. 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙧Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang