Restaurant Visit with Ramshackle

Start from the beginning

"I'm good. Crowley's kind enough to give me a place to stay at the school. Azul, the Leech twins and their friends have been very nice to me too."

"Glad to hear there are people who treat you well at school...and you're even brave enough to show then your four-leaf clover!"

"It was thanks to them that I no longer need to hide it," smiled Sig.

"Are you done yet? I'm hungry~" said Floyd. Sig took a seat at the table.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Yuu is also from your world, Mr Ortiz," said Sig.

"Oh, maravilloso! Where do you come from?" asked Eduardo.

"Japan. You know, the land of cherry blossoms," said Yuu.

"And the land of delicious fish and noodles!" said Eduardo.

"Yep. In fact, Mr Ortiz, I've been to Mexico before," said Yuu as he took out photos of his trip from his wallet.

"You did?" said Eduardo as he looked at the photos. "Looks like you've been to some famous landmarks! Did you enjoy your trip?"

"I did! If I could find a way to go back home, I will definitely visit Mexico again!" said Yuu.

Maris handed the gang several menus.

"As you can see, we have a small taco and burrito buffet at the centre of the restaurant, and a minibar over there. The rest of the dishes are in the menu," said Maria.

"Well then, I think we're gonna enjoy some tacos, but I also think we should have something from the menu..." said Azul.

"Do you serve Morisqueta here?" asked Yuu.

"Mor..ris? What's that?" asked Grim.

"It's a rice and beans dish served with tomato sauce and bits of cheese. I often had that during my trip and it was delicious!" said Yuu.

"Of course we do! It's one of our most popular dishes here," said Maria.

"And this grilled fish looks yummy too," said Jade, pointing at an image of an orange, slightly charred grilled fish fillet.

"Ah, that's another of our signature dishes, Pescado Zarandeado. You marinate the fish with a mixture of spices, Worchester sauce and mayo, then grill it! Traditionally people use snapper, but here, we use the whole haddock, so it can be shared," explained Eduardo.

"We'll have one of that along with the rice with beans that Yuu mentioned," said Azul.

"Got it! Want any drinks?" asked Maria.

"I'd like one made by Sig!" said Grim. The others nodded in agreement.

"Well then. Guess I'm back to work! Since it's hot, some mock Tequila Sunrise would be perfect!" smiled Sig as he walked to the minibar.

"Tequila Sunrise...I think I've heard Sig mentioned it before," said Floyd.

"Tequila is a popular liquor in Mexico, and Tequila Sunrise is a cocktail made from Tequila, orange juice and grenadine. I remember my dad got addicted to it during our trip," giggled Yuu.

"Here we sell both alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions of it. Trust me, both of them are good!" said Eduardo. He and his wife then went to the kitchen to continue with their work.

Several minutes later, Sig returned, holding a tray with six glasses of mock Tequila Sunrise.

"There you go! Isn't the colour lovely? Reminds people of the radiant sunrise, doesn't it?" asked Sig.

"It does!" said Grim. He then sniffed the drink.

"Mmm...not only does it look beautiful, but it smells sweet too!"

"Let's give a toast then! Sig, how do you say cheers in Spanish?" asked Azul

"It's 'Salud'!" replied Sig.

All six raised their glasses.

"Salud!" they cheered. After taking a sip of their drinks, they headed to the mini buffet to make their own tacos.

"Jade, what did you fill your tacos with?" asked Sig, after all of them returned to their table.

"I got some ground beef, tomatoes, cheese and shredded lettuce," replied Jade.

"I got mine with shrimp, purple cabbage and herb vinaigrette," said Floyd.

"Mine's herbed chicken, lettuce, purple cabbage, tzatziki and pomegranate," said Yuu.

"And of course, I have mine with tuna!" said Grim.

"You got the eat vegetables too, Grim," said Yuu, poking Grim's cheek.

"Nyaaaa! I know that! Don't you see I got cucumbers and avocadoes too?" pouted Grim.

Everyone laughed. It didn't take long for the rice and fish to arrive.

"Well everyone, buen provecho!" said Eduardo.

The six dug in and enjoyed their Mexican lunch while chatting happily amongst themselves.

The clock stroke three and the gang bid farewell to Eduardo and Maria.

"Please come again soon!" said Maria, waving.

"We will! We had a wonderful time here!" said Yuu.

Eduardo and Sig hugged one last time before parting.

"Please Sig...continue to be happy, and treasure the friends you've made," said Eduardo. Sig nodded.

"Of course I will. Without them, I won't be who I am today."

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