Start from the beginning

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy Ninth Grade student 

I went into our shared room and saw Jeremy typing away at his computer, "I thought you weren't feeling well," I crossed my arms leaning on the door frame. "Oh, yeah my head was hurting but I am feeling much much better," he gave me a dismissive hand wave, I sat on the end of the bed, "Is something wrong? why didn't you want to come on the hike?" I questioned, "I just want to finish this prog-" I cut him off and shook my head, "Are you avoiding us or something? Is this because of Aelita?" I asked, "Why would it be about her?" he asked sitting up a bit straighter, "You can talk to me about girl trouble when you actually tell my cousin how you feel and stop messing around with other girls you don't actually care about," he pulled his covers off, standing up, "What are you trying to say?" I asked stepping in front of him, "I'm just tired of you and Ulrich chasing after my cousin but not actually saying anything," He spat, but soon pushed past me to the living room where everyone was, "Everything alright?" Tovah asked sitting on the edge of the couch, "We're playing goldfish, do you guys want to play?" Aelita asked shaking her cards in front of us. "I'm game," I smiled. But Ulrich soon got up from his spot and whispered something to T and they got up walking outside. I looked at Aelita and she shrugged. "What's that about?" I asked looking over at the others, but Jeremy raised an eyebrow at me and I sat back in my seat.

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

"Hey guys sorry," I sat back down and picked up my cards, "did I miss anything?" I asked. "Nope," Odd shook his head and laid his cards down, Ulrich went into the kitchen and Odd followed him in.
"What did he say?" Yumi asked, "just some dumb stuff, we broke up but I'm fine," I shrugged. "It's not a big deal," I laid my card down. "Dinner!"
We went into the kitchen and all sat around the table, "Can I talk to you?" Odd asked leaning over to me, "are you joking?" I asked looking down into my spaghetti, "why is today 'talk to Tovah' day." I rolled my eyes. I twirled my fork into my spaghetti without the meatballs, "We're gonna go see our friends, they're staying up the road at another cabin," My Aunt and Uncle walked outside and we all decided to put a movie in.
"Let's go get in our pajamas and then watch the movie," Jeremy proposed. We all started off to our rooms and Odd grabbed my arm. "What?" I asked annoyed, "I just want to tell you something, will you come outside with me?" I pulled away, "can we not do this right now?" I walked into the bedroom and got into my pajamas. I pulled off my sweater and shorts, then I grabbed my blue and green striped crop top and athletic shorts. We went into the living room and slipped in a DVD and I was laid out in the big armchair, I was getting so sleepy after all the events of the day, I fell asleep during the movie.

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy ninth grade student

I looked at Tovah as she slept and sunk back in my seat, how was I gonna get my point across to her if she was asleep?
The movie ended and everyone started heading off to their rooms, I shook Tovah awake and she looked at me confused. "What?" She asked rubbing her eyes, "can I talk to you?" I asked, "sure, why not," she stood up from the chair and grabbed my hand walking outside with me, our feet on the cold porch, she wrapped her arms around herself and at that moment I pulled off my hoodie and handed it to her, "here, I'm a bit warm," I offered. "Thanks," she pulled it on and leaned against the wooden rail. "What was so important?" She asked looking up at the sky. "I want to tell you..." we then heard a crash in the woods and she stood up straight taking my hand pulling me forward, we walked to the edge of the woods looking in, there was another crash, we turned and saw something else crash closer to us, "what do you think..." she asked, "should we go tell-" we turned to see the others behind us, "how are we gonna get there?" Yumi asked. "Don't worry," Tovah ran inside and then came out holding the keys to the car, "get in," she said pointing us to the car, we all climbed in, Tovah jammed the keys into the ignition and started the car. "Buckle up, it's gonna be bumpy," she looked over her shoulder and hit the gas. We made it to the factory after fifteen minutes and hurried out of the car, "wow," Aelita shook her head as we got into the elevator, "How'd you learn to drive?" She shrugged, "it is not that hard," we got up to the factory and Jeremy sat down at his computer typing in the codes for us to be virtualized.
"Virtualization!" We landed on Lyoko and Aelita got on the back of my board, Tovah got on her foot-boards, Yumi got on her over wing and Ulrich got on his over bike. We launched forward, taking out monsters left and right, we made it to the tower and I helped Aelita off the board into the tower.
Return to the past now...

Aelita Stones Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

We sat on the porch of the cabin and looked at Tovah, "are you ever gonna tell us how you learned to drive?" Jeremy and Tovah looked at each other and then back at us, "it's a story for another time I think," Jeremy laughed. "Jeremy is just embarrassed cause we got in trouble when we were younger at our grandparents' house for taking the car on joy rides, but back then he was shorter than me so I was the one who would drive and he would tell me where to turn," she stood up stretching her arms above her head. "Well, I think that's it for me, goodnight," Tovah laughed and then turned to us, "oh remember we're going on a hike in the morning," she winked and flung the door open walking in, Odd promptly got up and followed her in. It was just Jeremy and I were left on the porch together, "so," I shrugged, "I guess we should talk," I leaned my head in my hands and Jeremy scooted over patting my back, "it's okay," he frowned, "it had to end eventually," he went to stand up and I looked at him, "end?" I asked. "We never even were really together," I shook my head. "I thought we were," Jeremy crossed his arms, "you just...if you want to be with me in any capacity it has to be about us and less about XANA," I stood up and walked inside leaving Jeremy on the porch alone.

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy ninth grade student

"Tovah, I really like you, I-" she cut me off and turned to look out the window, "Odd, I can't do this, not right now, I'm not a prize for you and Ulrich to compete over," she spat. I crossed my arms defensively. "Why do you say that?" I asked. "Because I don't want to rip our group apart and keep making everyone mad, I am a big screw up and I don't want to keep being one, okay? So just..." she put her hands up in frustration. "My newness will rub off soon and you'll forget about me," she went into her room and closed the door. Once she closed the door it closed the conversation leaving me feeling numb.
I got into bed and Ulrich looked down at me from the bunk bed, "you okay?" He asked.
"I will be,"

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