demon pact

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izuku was only a baby when everything went wrong. izuku's father had left shortly after he was born sense izuku wasnt 'what he wanted' and inko was rather sad about that. it wasnt izuku's fault that he was born so weak and small. if anything it was hisashi's fault for putting his wife under so much stress during her pregnancy. so here she was, cradling her baby boy in her arms as she did the last thing she wanted to do, but she couldnt lose her son. she summoned a demon to try and get them to help, she would have summoned an angel but she didnt quite trust them. it took quite a bit out of her and she flinched when y/c appeared infront of her, horns wings and tail out. she looked up at him and then down at her baby, who was starting to get fussy in her arms. she looked back up at y/c and saw that the demon almost seemed confused. "please, help me. my baby, h-he's sick. the doctors say he wont make it. please, help him, i cant lose him too." she pleaded and showed him izuku, who was very pale and was starting to cry. "i'll do anything, just save my child." she begged, and was a bit shocked when y/c picked up the small green haired baby. "he has potential...that i can see. i suppose it would be ashame if that were to go to waste" he muttered and hummed. "alright, however there is always a price. and i'm sure you know that, i will help him. if you promise me that while you are on your deathbed you give him this-" he slipped off his necklace, handing it to inko. "-tell him to put it on after you are gone, that will let me know that i am to take him" he ordered and said a spell to heal izuku and make him stronger. 

//19 years later\\

19 years after inko had made the agreement with y/c she fell ill. she was in her hospital bed and looked at izuku. "hunny, i need you to listen. i want you to wear this necklace when i'm gone. and dont be afraid, he saved your life my baby boy. please that's all i want" she said and handed him the necklace. izuku nodded however he had forgotten about it for a year or so and was just remembering that conversation now, as he was visiting her grave. once he as home he found the necklace and put it on. "what does it do?" he whispered and bit his lip. in hell y/c could feel the pull and placed a hand on his chest. he knew that inko had passes and now izuku was his. he had been planning on making izuku his bride from the moment he saw him as a baby. he couldnt help it, there was just this spark in izuku that made him want the boy. however he wasnt the only one who wanted izuku, there were others who were surly gonna come for the boy.


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