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High school deku
Quirkless deku
Demon y/c
Yandere y/c

Izuku wasn't used to being admired. But surprisingly he had a little admirer, izuku kept finding strange little gifts and pictures in his locker and in his room. The pictures creeped him out and he would just throw them away, but the gifts were kinda cool, they were mostly small trinkets but he would sometimes find bigger things like a bundle of flowers. Izuku wasn't sure who was sending them so ut kinda freaked him out. Like now, izuku opened his locker and a little note fell out. He glanced around and opened it. It was a love letter with some initials at the end. Izuku tried to remember if he met anyone with those initials before and shrugged. He noticed a little box and picked it up, his eyes widened when he opened it and saw a ring. Izuku quickly closed it and put it back. He grabbed his things and closed his locker. Later that night when izuku got home he pulled the box out and looked at the ring. He never got something so fancy before. He bit his lip and put it in his dresser. Izuku got ready for bed and went to sleep, however he did feel off. He felt like someone was watching him.  When izuku woke up he felt off, he tried to open his eyes but he only saw black. Izuku whimpered and tried to move, although froze when he feot something sharp run across his skin. Izuku whimpered and tried to move, however he was tied up tight. Izuku felt something slid onto his finger and then the sharp object slowly move down his body. "N-no! Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry if i did something to you" he said and flinched feeling something cut into his stomach slowly. Izuku teared up and tried to get away. "St-stop! Please I'm sorry!" He begged and sobbed. The  knife continues to cut into his skin and slowly carved into his skin. Izuku began to cry and balled his fists. "Aww, no need to cry my dear, i was just making suer i marked you up~ but don't worry, i didn't xause any real damage, it was just deep enough to make a scar~" he said and cupped izuku's cheek. "It's that right my bride?" He asked and the blindfold came off. Izuku saw a strange figure above him and lookee away. He woke up and looked around quickly, feeling his stomach quickly for any cyts and relaxed when he didn't. Izuku closed hjs eyes and got out kf bed, he went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, flinching when he nkticed the ring on, and when he saw y/c's name carved into his stomach.


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