"I was not expecting that." She giggled softly and it was like music to Xepher's ears. He smiled back at her.

"I couldn't help myself. You're too beautiful for your own good." He responded as the sound of whistling caught their attention. They both looked over to their friends to find them catcalling and whistling at them. Raven and Kenzy smiled cheekily, Raven winking at Aria. She felt her face heating up as she realized they'd just kissed so deeply in front of others. The sound of Xepher's laughed reached Aria's ears and she couldn't help the smile that reached her face.

Everything would be okay.

As the night passed in a peaceful bliss Aria couldn't help but feel anxious. The clock was ticking, and she nearly felt like Cinderella at the ball. Tonight, would go one of two ways. She was going to survive, or she wasn't. Simple as that.

The time she spent with everyone, from the moment Raven and Kenzy had picked her up, to right this second, as she danced slowly with Xepher, her head on his chest, arms around his neck, had been memories she would cherish. Always.

"Aria?" She brought her head up to look at Xepher after he called out her name so gently.

"Yes?" She asked as they turned slowly, their bodies flowing to the music.

"I know we've kissed a few times now, but I still have to ask it. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, his eyes piercing hers, cheeks tinting red. Aria felt her smile widen as she leaned up and kissed his cheek. With her lips near his ear she spoke.

"Nothing would make me happier, than to be yours." She said. He leaned back, a smile on his own face, making his handsome face brighten.

"Yeah?" He asked. She nodded and he leaned down, wrapped his arms around her waist, and picked her up, twirling them. She giggled, her heart fluttering at the gesture. That is, until she heard the alarm on her phone beep from the purse that lay on her side. He set her down and she pulled out the phone. It was 11:35. Daniel had said to be home by midnight. Aria felt her heart sink.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he pulled them off the dance floor, onto the sidelines. She held up her phone to him and his eyes darkened. He knew what this meant. He called the group off the dancefloor and they came.

"Is it that time already?" Raven asked. Aria nodded.

"Time flies when you're having fun." Kenzy said.

"Alright, let's roll." Raven said, pulling out the keys of her mom's borrowed SUV. The six of them walked out of the gymnasium and to the parking lot. As they neared their respective vehicles, Aria began to slow, confusing Xepher as he paused beside her a few feet away from the crowd. She grabbed his hand and brought it to her lips, her warm breath spreading over his cold fingertips. She looked him in the eyes then, and his breath froze at the strength held within them.

"Xepher, there's a reason he said for me to be back by midnight." She said, looking away from him. He was confused more now.

"What do you mean?" He asked. She let out a sigh, a puff of white floating in the cold night air.

"At midnight, I turn eighteen." Xepher's body tensed so tightly he thought he might snap as those words left her lips. He prayed that it didn't mean what he thought that meant.

"He's been waiting for this moment since it all started seven years ago. He thinks we're soulmates. He really is sick, and he thinks that he's been noble by not going that far at this point. But when midnight hits, he will do it." She looked back at him then, her eyes misty with that teary sheen.

"Do what, Aria?" He needed to hear it.

"He'll try to take away the innocence I have left." She said, her lower lip trembling slightly. He gripped her shoulders then, panic setting in.

"Then you can't go Aria, do you hear me? You absolutely can't!" Aria shook her head, a sad smile on her lips.

"I need to." She said, making Xepher let out a frustrated noise deep from his throat.

"What do you mean? Call your mother, tell her everything, you can't do this!"

"My mother loves me, and there is a chance she would listen to me, but it can't be from just me. After my father died and Daniel came into our lives, she fell so hard for him and his show that she never noticed the small changes. She may not have wanted to. I can't hate her for it, but it will take more than me. That's why I have a plan." She said looking into his eyes again.

"What is it?" He asked, praying there was something he could do.

"When I call, answer. Put me on speaker, and make sure your dad is in the room."

"My dad?" He asked, then his brain registered. If they said anything alone, the police would treat them like dumb kids, but if an adult heard it, then they'd be more inclined to listen. But then...

"Aria, you'll still be alone with him." She shrugged.

"This is the best I can do. I just hope you'll still want me after this is said and done. I'll see you soon, Xepher." She said as she stood on her tiptoes and planted one last kiss on his cheek, before she left him standing there, leaving his heart pounding as he realized she was waltzing into the wolf's den, knowing full well she wouldn't be able to get out. Raven's car pulled away as he tightened his hand into a fist.

"Damnit!" He cursed as he hopped into the warm cab of Jax's truck.

"I need to get home faster than you've ever gotten me there before." He said. Jax nodded as he slammed on the gas, careful as he drove through the slushed snow.

"I don't like this plan." Marco muttered as they made a turn a tad too fast, the back tires swinging a bit before Jax could get them under control.

"You think I do?" Jax responded bitterly.

"Wait, you guys knew what the plan was? How long?" Xepher asked, furious that his friends hadn't told him of such a dangerous idea about his girl.

"All day, the girls came up with it. Well, Aria did. The girls didn't like the idea, but what can we do? She's ready to throw everything she has away to protect the people she loves. Xepher you'd better take damn good care of that girl." Jax looked back for a second, glaring at Xepher. He nodded, knowing he would do everything in his power to do just that. He just prayed he could stop it in time.

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