"I told you Kayla asked me too. Ion gotta like you to do something for you." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Do you like Kayla?" I asked sitting next to him but a little far.

Please say no...

"It depends on which way you talking about." He said looking at me sit down.

"Like as a if she could be your girl?" I said playing with my nails then looking at him.

"Nah I don't." He said unfazed.

"Who was that girl?" I asked.

"Who was that nigga?" He asked.

Okay because what was he talking about? He haven't been around me to see nobody I was with and I don't recall being with somebody.

"Wait. What you talking about?" I asked.

"The nigga you brought to my house to pick you up."
He said sitting up looking at me. I thought about it for a little and then remember the day I washed his clothes.

"That was mezzo. We're something like best friends."
I told him.

"I don't like when folks know where I stay." He said looking at me.

"He don't know where you stay. I walked a few blocks down." I said to him feeling nervous from his stares.

Everything was quiet for a few seconds until I broke the silence. "So who is she?" I asked again.

"An ex." He told me cutting the tv on.

"You still gone call her?" I asked him.

He looked at me and shook his head then looked back at the tv.

"You believe everything you hear don't you?" He said looking at the tv.

"I could've been lying to her, that's why me and you probably won't work." He said honestly and emotionless.

"I- who said I wanted to be with you. You don't even like me." I stated getting a little embarrassed.

"It's obvious you like me tho, look at the questions you asking me, look where you at on your birthday instead of being with family or sum." He said then grabbing his phone that rang.

He wasn't lying. I did like him but I also wanted him to at least feel some type of way back but I guess that wasn't him expressing his feeling for me by getting the car. Even after what he told me a part of me still wanted to be around.

"So why did you let me kiss you?" I said a little loud before he could answer his phone.

"So you wouldn't feel embarrassed in front of your people's." He said then answered his phone.

Well you did a good job with embarrassing me now

He talked to meechie on the phone as I sat quietly processing how dumb I felt. Meechie called him for business they had to take care of. He finished talking to meechie and then looked at me who sat on the couch looking at my own legs.

"Don't tell me you finna cry?" He said walking towards me.

"Nah, I jus- nothing you know what I'm good." I said hiding my feelings as usual.

"Ight, well I got business to take care of-" he said as I interrupted him.

"Right right, my bad I'm about to go now. Let me know if I can do something for your birthday. I really appreciate what you did for me." I told him getting up and walking pass him to leave.

He just looked at me and let me walk out.

As I'm walking out the door I can feel my emotions rush. I didn't know if I should be mad at him or myself. I was the type of person who always wanted things to go the way I expected them too. If they didn't go my way I would be mad about it. Especially something like this.

Maybe I just wasn't his type. Maybe he will call his ex tonight. Should I show him I'm worth his time or just leave it alone?

Kayla warned me and I still rushed into everything.

I drove back to my house walking inside seeing Kayla cooking dinner.

"Where's Jordan?" I asked

"She in your room sleep." She asked me mixing up hamburger meat.

"You need help?" I asked her and she shrugged her shoulders. I walked over grabbing the seasonings she needed for the meat and checked to see if the noodles were finished boiling.

"I lied, I went to go see Von.." I told her honestly. I told my sister because I needed her advice on the situation.

"Okay.. did something bad happen or?" She said confused on why I told her as she seasoning the meat.

"It's like I'm starting to like him but he not showing me no emotions. I want him to feel the same way but I don't want to force him." I explained to her while getting the strainer to drain the noodles. I put the strainer in the sink and poured the noodles inside it.

"Lovely I told you this could happen. I mean, the best thing right now is to let it go. I know that's not what you wanna hear but do you really want to be chasing somebody around who don't feel the same way about you? Thats like y'all being together and he cheating cause he simply didn't want you to begin with. That's setting yourself up for failure. Your wasting your time when you could being living life  or putting effort in somebody else. You know?" She explained to me while pouring the spaghetti sauce into the meat and mixing it.

I put the noodles back inside the pot and let her pour the sauce that was mixed into the meat in the pot. As she mixed it she looked at me who was showing no emotion just staring off into the distance. I was processing what she told me but since I didn't have nobody else to fall back on I was just gonna focus on me. But saying it is easy.

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