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     Because Chinese New Year was different than Americans, my family decided we could go back to the states. I love my family but I was beyond excited to get back and finally talk to Kennedy and FaceTime Jackson at a decent time.


     Once we boarded the plane I was surprised to see Maya taking the seat next to me. It was a good thing she had t sat next to my parents to and from China because she was practically green the whole time. My mom had asked about it afterward and Maya had claimed she wasn't good with flying. Man was this pregnancy more stressful than a blessing.

     I let her get comfortable in her seat before asking, "Is something wrong." We hadn't even taken off yet and she was already gripping the seat handles, turning her knuckles white.

     She took a few breaths, squeezed her eyes shut, then turned to me. "Sorry," she smiled, "the thought of flying is making me sick already. No, nothing is wrong. I was just coming to check on the whole godmother thing."

     My shoulders tense. It had almost been two months and I hadn't even attempted to contact Kennedy. I didn't want to strain what little relationship we still had.

I swallow. "Well—I—"

Maya gives a small chuckle. "I figured as much. She hadn't contacted Dec, so that's a no then?"

I shake my head fiercely. "No!" I look around then speak quieter. "I mean, I was going to talk to her as soon as we got home. It's just, we haven't been on the best terms these past few months and I've been trying to figure out how to contact her."

Maya's eyes show understanding. "I get it. I'm sorry if I put you in an awkward position. I feel like ever since Dec and I started dating I've been intruding on everything with your friends, family, vacation. I should have told Dec to talk to Kennedy."

"Oh, Maya, you are apart of the family." I gesture to her stomach, "more so than most of my friends. And as much as I know Ken would rather see and talk to Declan, I need this excuse to try and make up with her. So really, you're doing me a favor. And don't even worry about Kenny, I know she'll be honored."

Maya nods. We talk for a little while longer before the plane takes off and she begins to doze off. I'd rather sit in silence for eighteen hours than have a pregnant woman throw up on me.


     Once we landed I spent the next forty-five minutes in the airport restroom with Maya, who was hacking up god knows what. That woman hadn't eaten anything in twenty-four hours.

The next day I got out of bed at a decent time and got ready for the day. I needed to see Kennedy before I lost my nerve.

I'd stayed up late on FaceTime with Jackson catching up on what had happened over our breaks and how I was going to handle today. He told me that we could meet up sometime, go on a date hopefully. He wasn't sounding very happy staying at his parents' house and I couldn't ask because I had the feeling he didn't quite know why.

I pulled out of my driveway in the jeep and started for Kennedy's.


"Hope! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. Come in, come in." A sick Grace ushered me into the living room before closing the door. "I'm sorry to say Kennedy is on a breakfast run right now. You can stay or I can take a message, but please stay! I'd love to catch up and Kennedy shouldn't be gone long."

     I did come here to see Kennedy, but the second I made eye contact with Grace—Grace with almost no hair, skeleton Grace, sick Grace, dying Grace—I had to talk to her too.

     "I'm sorry," my voice cracked.

     With a confused look, she grabbed my forearm and lead me to the couch. "About what, honey?"

     I tried to speak but choked. It only took me a moment to recover. "Remember when you were giving Kennedy a hard time and I told you to lay off and called you a—a bitch?" Grace gave a nod. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm also sorry for everything else. I'm sorry that I couldn't be there for Kennedy in the way she must have needed me otherwise she wouldn't have pushed me away. I'm sorry about the bad blood between you two and you and Declan. I'm sorry for what happening to you and that I can't help. I can't even help Kennedy." By the end of the last sentence, I was in tears; shaking violently.

     Grace slowly pulled me into a hug, her breathing heavy. Somehow she mustered enough strength to give me the most comforting hug I'd had in a while.

     "Don't you ever, and I mean ever, feel like any of this is your fault. You have been doing everything you could these last eleven years for Kennedy and it has helped a tremendous amount. You can't help her now because she isn't letting you. That's not your fault."

     She stroked my hair as I cried into her shoulder.

     The door opened and I heard a hesitation as who I assumed to be Kennedy came in.

"Look who came to see us, Ken."

The door closed and I lifted my head to see Kennedy standing in the entry with a McDonald's bag. I wiped my face as quickly as possible.

"Hey," I rasp out. She's just standing there starring at me.

"What do you want?"

Grace opens her mouth to reprimand Kennedy, but I stop her before she drives Kennedy to run out again.

"Can we talk?" I motion to the kitchen. She hesitates once more before leading the way to the kitchen. She sets the bag on the counter and turns toe with crossed arms.

She raises an eyebrow to let me know I can start talking. "I—I just want to start with I'm sorry. If I didn't something somehow, I'm sorry. I just want my best friend back." She hardly moves, so I continue. "I got a visit from Maya a couple of months ago. She talked about the baby and the wedding." I could tell none of this was sitting well with Kennedy. "Anyway, she was wondering if you'd like to be the godmother?"

     "Are you done?" I nodded, ready to be slapped or screamed at or told off. "You don't have to apologize, because you did nothing. I've honestly let everything bad happening to me our way the good and it's suffocating. I should be thanking you. If you hadn't taken me out that night I would never have met Matthew. And as for being the godmother, how could I say no?" She cracked a smile and I felt the ever frost melt between us and a cage lift from my heart.

     I rushed forward, wrapping my arms around Kennedy. I was worried I'd imagined the entire half-spoken reconciliation when she didn't return the hug. But just as I was going to pull away she hugged back.

     "I wanted my best friend back, too."


Y'all! I think I've finally had a few at times get this ball rolling. This section of the book might be a little shorter than the last one, but I've figured a way out to get it to work! I'm so excited.

My updating might be a little off soon because of finals, but I'm trying!

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