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Hey, y'all! So I'm gonna put my authors note here just for this chapter to explain myself. So number 1: this is the last chapter of this part because I have run out of inspiration to write. So after this chapter, I'll start the second part of the book. Because I have so much drama and stuff planned but I need to move on for it to flow well. And number 2: this will be a short chapter for that exact reason. I've run out of inspiration so...yeah. Enjoy this poorly written chapter and please comment on any suggestions for characters futures or future characters. If you like to submit your own character PM me and we can get that sorted out.


     Kennedy had been with us for eight days now. All eight nights were spent in my room despite her obvious anger towards me the next two days after our conversation.

"How do you do it?"

     "How do I do what?"

     "Pretend you're okay. Walk around cheering for everyone and supporting everyone. You never let anyone support you."

     "I'm not pretending."

     "Yes you are, every single day. And it breaks my heart."

I really wanted to know how she did it. Was it because she had ten years to come to terms with it? I'd had close to that, but I still felt like screaming every time I thought about it. Was it because I lost two people, so twice the pain? No. Kennedy lived her dad enough to qualify for twice the pain. She was probably that way because she had other home distractions.

     But, damn. Kennedy was so strong. She could still skateboard even though it obviously reminded her of her dad. Hell, she even learned how to surf for him! Me? I can't even drive without having a panic attack.

I closed my locker and saw Jackson walking towards me. He got back yesterday and was looking exhausted. Jet lag was hitting him hard.

"Hey man," I said as I leaned my shoulder against the lockers.

It was only then I realized Jackson looked pissed. "What the hell happened while I was gone? Kennedy's mom is in the hospital with cancer?! When did that happen? How long has she kept that from us? And what's up with Hope? She's a total mess, Park! Are the girls in a fight? Why is Kenny at your place? Parker?!"

I blinked once. Twice. Three times. "Grace is in the hospital. She collapsed at dinner or something—they were at the Young's place. I don't know how long her mom has been like this. I think she found out that night we had dinner. Hope's just stressed cause of what might happen. . . . Uh, Kennedy and Hope are in good terms as far as I know, but Kenny hasn't really been talking to me. The Young's didn't have room at their place because Declan's girlfriend is here and—"

Jackson put a hand on my chest. "Declan has a girlfriend?" His face showed nothing but shock.

"Dude, seriously? That's what you're hung up on?"

Jackson shrugged. "It's just—weird."

     We started walking to the parking lot. Jackson has been driving me while Declan had been taking the girls places. It sucked that Jackson was the only one with a car. . . . And that I didn't want to drive. Ever.

     I run a hand through my hair as he hops down the front steps. I'd been avoiding this topic with everyone. Everyone meaning Jackson, Hope, and Kennedy.

     Jackson unlocks his car and as we slide in I decide to just get it off my chest. "I'm going to London for college."

     If we weren't already sitting in our seats I think Jackson would've slipped on the step. His red hair whipped in the wind when he worked his head on me. His expression was murderous. "You what?"

     "I've been talking with Richard and Charles and they both graduated from this school so I know it's a good school. Richard wants me to come, but Charles doesn't want me to leave the country, which he has a right to think. My mom supports me though. This whole doctor thing could actually happen if I went to Imperial College."

Jackson just gawked at me. "You—you said we'd go to the same school, pursue our careers, but play through high school. I leave for one holiday and suddenly you want to move across the world? What actually happened while I was gone, Parker?"

I threw my hands up. "I told you everything that happened. No one is really themselves and it's weird."

"Then wait for it not to be weird! Dude, don't just run away to London."

I put my head in my hands. I wasn't running away. I'd been thinking about this for a full week. Now that I think of it, that's not a lot of time.

"Jackson, look man, I know you're upset. But you gotta understand this is my future. And even so, I could get rejected. And it's only November."

Jackson rolled his eyes and turned the Jeep on. "Of course you'll get in, Park. You're a genius, practically the face of the school, and a talented athlete." Jackson shook his head and we were finally off-campus.

     Jackson was quiet for a few minutes. I didn't want to upset him further so I dropped the topic. If he wanted to y'all about it he could bring it back up.

     To my surprise, he did bring it back up. Right as we were pulling into my driveway. "Who else have you told." He wasn't looking at me. But, he was t mad anymore. He was quiet and sad.

     "What do you mean? I've told you."

     He shook his head. "No. Who have you told before me? I know you e gone to at least Kenny. Ever since we started hanging out with the girls this year you've pushed me out."

    Oh god. Is that how he felt?

     "Other than my family. You're the only person I've told, Jackson. And I'm sorry that I've made you feel this way. You're my best friend, and I don't ever want you to feel like I've replaced you. Especially with Kennedy and Hope."

     Jackson didn't look fully convinced, but he was smiling now. "When are you going to tell them?"

     My eyes opened in shock. "Who? Kenny and Hope?" Jackson nodded. I laughed, my head leaning against the window now. "Not yet. I haven't even been accepted. I don't need them reacting the way you did."

     Jackson gave me a skeptical look and unlocked the doors. I unbuckled and jumped out before turning back to him. As I leaned against the door with my forearm I said, "I love you, man. You know that, right?"

     Jackson's small smile grew and he nodded. "Stop getting all sentimental on me." He laughed. "I'm just looking out for the girls' feelings. Whatever are they going to do without their smart Parker to get them through school?" He laughed again. The twinkle in his eyes was back.

     I patted the door and nodded. As Jackson peeled out of the driveway I reminded myself that it was only November, so I didn't need to tell Kenny—and Hope—about Imperial. And, I hadn't even been accepted, so there was that. I'll tell them later. After I sent in my application.

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