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Neither Hope or I have any classes with Jackson or Parker, which really sucked. I was starting to really like these dorks. Parker really was a genius and was helping Hope and I prepare for finals. It was only October, but we needed the help.

     "If you two didn't spend so much time at the beach—" He said from his desk. His stack of AP textbooks made me want to throw up.

     "We wouldn't have these sexy tans?" Hope winked from her backbend. Jackson was watching her with a disgusted look from his spot on Parker's bed.

     I was sitting crisscross next to Parker. I snapped my fingers at Jackson. "Hey, legal adult, keep your eyes off her." Jackson threw me a dirty look and Hope flipped him off.

     Now it was Clean the Beach Day and the fourth period was almost over. I had my bikini in my backpack, along with shorts, and flip flops. The clock seemed to tick by slower the more I thought about getting to the beach.

     Finally, the bell went off and I was out the door. When I turned to the hall that Hopes locker was on I ran. Jackson and Parker were already standing there with her when I showed up. I used my running start to jump onto Parker's back. He stumbled slightly but regained balance and placed his hands under my thighs.

     A shock ran up my spine. "Your hands are cold."

     "That's what you get for jumping me."

     We started down the hall. Jackson had his Jeep parked by the curb. It was black and the doors had been removed. The guys were in the front and Hope and I buckled in the back.

     "Really? How are we supposed to change in here? The doors are gone," complained Hope, pulling her sunglasses out of her backpack.

     As Jackson pulled out of the parking lot her looked at us through the rearview mirror. "I don't mind if you change in here." He laughed and Parker ruffled his mid fade.

     At the beach, I stand on the rocks as the waves crash into them. I stab pieces of trash with my spear and then stuff it into my trash bag. My dad's ring bounced along my chest as I made my way along the rocks. I was barefoot, which wasn't the smartest, but I didn't want to ruin my flip flops. They were the cheap foam type.

The cove was beautiful. Seafoam bubbles away against the black rocks filled with tiny divots. I slowly walk around a bit longer, picking up pieces of trash. The sun was beginning to set and I stopped to watch. The sun turned the aqua water into a blur of sparkling oranges, reds, yellows, and pinks.

     I was so distracted by the view that I didn't notice the seagull flying towards me till I was forced to duck and lost my foot placement. I stumbled backward, dropping my stake and bag, but eventually I got my balance back. However, my foot began to sting. Every time water touched my skin I felt a burn.

     "Gah!" I look down to find a tiny river of blood mixing in the saltwater. "Damn it," I mumble. I try to place it down and walk but it only brings tears to my eyes. I try and blink them away, looking around for help. I can't get off these rocks by myself.

     Looking around I see red hair in the sand walking my way. Oh thank god. I start waving at Jackson. He doesn't notice me at first because he's looking at the ground for trash.

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