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     "Mom! We're going to be late! Do you need help with anything?" I was looking in the mirror propped against the corner of my room. I was putting the backs of my dangling earrings on. After I finish that I turn to grab my heals at the foot of my bed and leave my room to find my mom.

"Mom?" I try again.

I'm not imagining her, I swear. My mom is alive and she's been cancer-free for almost a month. We obviously did the treatment. I picked up two after school jobs to help pay off the rest of the bills from my stitches and my mom's secret appointments. I've gotten some of her treatment paid off, but I'm not worried. I'm just beyond thankful that she's alive.

Because of all my work, I hadn't spent much time with any of my friends. I was so busy these last few months that I missed Declan visiting twice, and I missed the spring break that Jackson and Hope had apparently planned for us.

On top of all that, the few times I'd seen Parker he'd acted strange. Like he wanted to tell me something? I'd always be busy or pulled away as he started to explain.

I felt awful, but I had to help my mom.

Today was the boys' graduation. After this, they'll leave in one week and Hope and I'll see them less then we see Declan. This was it for our friend group. Hope and I'll be left alone next year, which in a way I was guilty excited for. Hope and I hadn't really been alone all year. Now we were going to get our girls time before we graduated and left each other.

I walked into my mom's room and saw her trying to tie her sneakers. She was struggling with it and the cane wasn't helping. Her hair had thinned our but she still had ahead of it. She was thinner in every place. Her face shown like a skeleton and her hands like spiders. I still thought she was beautiful. And strong.

I bent down and took the laces from my mom and finished tying them before helping her up. "Thank you, Ken." She smiled as we made our way to the front of the apartment. "Are we picking Hope up?"

I shake my head as I open the front door and help her over the threshold. "No. Declan drove into town last night and already drove Hope to the school. Emily and Chong should be there soon."

My mom was silent for a moment before asking, "Do you think brought his girlfriend?"

I look at her confused. "Maya?" She nods. "I mean, he probably did, but that's not my business."

We were in the car now. I opened the passenger side for my mom and circled around to the drivers. After my door was closed she continued. "So, you're over him then? Declan I mean?"

My face scrunches up as I reverse the car. "What are you talking about. I've been over him since November."

I saw my mom nod in the corner of my eye. "So you like Parker then?"

I nearly swerve instead of hitting my breaks when the car in front of me stops for a red light. I turn to her, her hands in the air. "What?! No! Mom!" I can physically feel the blood rush to my ears and cheeks and all I want to do is put my hands over my face. The light turns green and I step on the gas. Pulling into a parking spot, I almost give my mom whiplash. "Sorry," I mumble.

Crash and BurnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang