Sure, the Bratva was powerful, but they were nothing compared to me.

"Maybe you don't know me," I began, shoving him against the wall and pressing my arm against his neck. The man began to squirm, his face slowly turning blue. "But my name is Vixen Grey. I'm the leader of the American Mafia. And, while you may think that I'm a 'scared little girl in a man's world,' I'm the last person you want to have as an enemy."

"Please," The man uttered. "You're not the leader of anything. The leader of the American Mafia is Dominic Santiago."

I chuckled, "Well, that's where you're wrong. Dominic Santiago is dead."

"But his son—"

"Is dead."

"Well, he has another kid—"

"She had no interest in taking over the mafia. Therefore, that leaves me. The scared little girl in a man's world. Except, I'm not little or scared. And I'm not in a man's world. I'm running it. Got it?"

The man's eyes fell.

"What's your name? This is your last chance."

"My name is Alexei." He whispered.

Alexei's confident, indestructible facade crumbled after learning that I was the leader of the American Mafia.

I hummed, pursing my lips, "Hm. And the Bratva sent you here?"

Alexei nodded, solemnly.

"Why?" I questioned him.

"If the boss finds out that I told you classified information, he's going to torture me." Alexei whined, his eyes watering.

"That's nothing compared to what I have planned for you if you don't tell me what I want to know."

Alexei sighed, a visible internal battle plaguing him. After a minute of contemplation, he finally opened his mouth to speak, "Fine. The Bratva is—"

A loud, single gunshot rang through the air. I instinctively backed away from Alexei and ducked, covering my head with my hands.

When I looked up, Alexei was laying beside me; scarlet blood pooling from his chest.

"Fuck!" I cursed. I checked Alexei's pulse, hoping to feel something, but he was dead.

"Vixen!" A familiar voice called out to me. I looked over to my shoulder to find Rhys, my left-hand man, walking towards me; a rifle in his hands.

"Rhys? Did you just shoot him?" I questioned.

"Yes. I saw the tattoo on his neck, he's with the Bratva. Harley called me and said you guys were in trouble. I came as fast as I could."

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. I wanted to scream at Rhys for killing Alexei, but I knew that he was just doing his job.

"Are you okay, Vixen?" He asked, concerned. Rhys extended his hand to me, helping me off the ground.

"Don't worry about me. Three of the Russians are lost in the crowd. Look for anyone with the Bratva symbol," I said. "And bring them all in. Alive."

"Yes, boss."

"I'm going to find Harley and take her home. Call me with any updates." I instructed him.

Rhys turned on his heel, ready to walk away, but I called out to him, stopping him in his tracks,

"Oh, and Rhys?" Rhys whipped around, patiently waiting for me to speak. "Leonardo Giordano is here."

Rhys's eyes widened, "Leonardo? Holy fuck," He mumbled, combing his fingers through his dark hair. "That's not good."

I nodded, "I know. Good luck."

When I exited the club, I found Harley standing in the parking lot, talking with Chiara.

I walked over to them, casually slipping in beside Harley.

When she finally noticed me, her eyes lit up. She threw her arms around me, pulling me into a warm embrace, "Vi! Oh, my god. I'm so glad you're okay! You almost gave me a heart attack. You're okay, right? God, I can't believe I let you stay in there alone. I was petrified. Never do that again!" Harley rambled.

I chuckled, "I'm fine, Harls. I can take care of myself, you know."

Harley rolled her eyes, "Tell that to me when you're an ancient 85 year old woman."

I ignored Harley's sly comment and turned to Chiara, "Thanks for coming, Chiara."

"Well, it's my job." She joked.

We waved goodbye to Chiara and I linked arms with Harley, leading her to my car, "I'm exhausted. Let's go home, Harls."


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