Chapter 15: "Primrose is in danger!"

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Charlie gasped in shock, what was that dream? Primrose was getting chased by some unknown guy. Why would someone want her? Was it Karolina again? Charlie looked at his hand, it was all healed. He should go back to Romania now. "Charlie? Peter wants to see you," Lauren said from across the room. Charlie sighed, he couldn't face Lauren ever since they'd made out one night. It was just weird. 

"Yeah, I'll be down in a sec," he muttered. He yawned and got ready quickly. He walked down the stairs and met Peter. Recently, Peter had been acting reckless, Charlie didn't know what to do though. "Hey Peter," he muttered. "How are y-" 

Charlie then felt a strong force hit him, he closed his eyes and opened them quickly. Peter had him against the wall, his arm on Charlie's neck. No, he wasn't going to. "Your daughter is going to kill me," Peter muttered. "I can't let that happen," Peter grabbed Charlie's wand from Charlie's pocket and smiled. Charlie glanced at his friend confused. Why was Peter doing this? He saw tears in Peter's eyes, he didn't want to. 

"Peter," Charlie warned quietly, "Calm down," he whispered softly. "You could be good, why would Prim want to kill you anyway?" he asked confused. Peter glared at him, his eyes filled with rage and malice. He pressed against Charlie's neck harder, making Charlie gasp for air. "S-stop!" Charlie cried. Peter smiled his smile was mean. 

"Oh Charlie, you were so- so gullible," Peter muttered. Peter closed his eyes and they apparated to someplace unknown to Charlie. Charlie looked around confused, and angry. 

Charlie glanced at Peter, "You do realize Prim is actually going to kill you now?" he asked. Peter laughed. 

"Not unless I kill her first," Peter muttered. He grabbed Charlie's hair quickly and Charlie realized what was going on. 

"No! You can't!" Charlie shouted angrily as he got pushed into a jail cell. "You can't do that Peter!" he shouted. He tried to apparate but nothing worked. "You can't!" he screamed. Peter was going to kill Primrose. 

Peter smiled. "Oh but I can, Weasley," he whispered. "I can," Charlie watched as his friend- or enemy, place his hair into a potion, most likely polyjuice. He drank it quickly and Charlie saw a duplicate of himself, scars and all. 

"Goodbye now," Peter whispered as he raised his wand at Charlie, "Obliviate," he muttered, and Charlie fell unconscious. 


Peter walked around Romania confused, where did Charlie live? Shit, he was so stupid! Why did he do that to Charlie? And why didn't he ask where he lived? "Oh. Charlie, you're back!" Peter turned around to face a young blonde girl. He felt his eyes widen. 

"Yeah," he muttered, "Where's Primrose?" he asked, trying to seem like Charlie. Charlie was reserved and not really outgoing. Peter smiled. 

"Here, I'll bring you to her!" the blonde girl said. "May was so worried about you Charlie, she was all like 'what if he's dead, lily!' and everything," Peter smirked, so this girl's name was Lily and there's another named May. They walked down the street slowly and Lily glanced at Peter(Charlie) confused. "Your hand? It's okay?" she asked. "It was-" 

"Thallium poison," they said at the same time, Peter glanced at Lily in awe. How did she know? She reminded him of Sarah, he then shook his head quickly. What was he thinking? He couldn't betray Sarah like that. 

Lily smiled, "I didn't know you were interested in poisons Charlie," she said with a small laugh. She stared ahead then glanced at some unfamiliar woman in shock. "Oh no, it's Karolina," she muttered. The woman was pregnant and Peter looked at her confused, but she looked like she wanted to kill him. 

He quickly grabbed his wand and stunned her quickly. "What was that?" Lily cried confused. "You do know the baby is yours?" she said. Peter glanced at Lily confused, Charlie had another girlfriend? 

"Yeah, but she looked like she wanted to kill me," Peter whispered. 

"Charlie are you okay? You've been acting off? Look Primrose's place is super close, see?" Lily said pointing to a house. Peter smiled. He didn't need this girl anymore. He pushed her against the wall and she tried to raise her wand quickly. "Primrose is in danger!" she cried and a Patronus came out.  Peter shook his head and quickly took the wand from her. "You're not Charlie," she choked out. "Who are you?" she cried, her voice strained. 

"Oh darling, I'm so so sorry," he whispered with a small smirk. "Avada Kedavra," he whispered, he watched as Lily fell to the ground and he stared at her in shock. He just killed someone! Peter covered his mouth quickly. He couldn't do this, what was happening to him? He had to do this though, for Sarah. He felt tears in his eyes, and he quickly walked up to Primrose's place. He drank more of the polyjuice potion and quickly wiped his mouth. 

He knocked at the door and the door opened, a girl with black and white hair. Was this Primrose? "You're not my father," she whispered. "Who are you?" Peter laughed and quickly changed his appearance to himself. He walked into her house and sat down. He then felt a teardrop from his face. He wiped it off quickly. "Why are you crying?" she asked softly. "I can help you," she whispered and she smiled. 

Peter shook his head, "No, you can't, kill me," he muttered. "Kill me!" he shouted again. He didn't deserve to live, he had killed someone. He had hurt his sister. He put his best friend in a jail cell. He lost Sarah, he didn't deserve to live. 

"What about your children?" Primrose asked softly. 

Peter looked up at her, "How do you know about them?" he asked angrily. "Tell me!" he shouted. 

"I can read your mind," she muttered. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have but please, you don't have to do this," she whispered. Peter looked at her. 

"No, I have to," he raised his wand at her, and felt tears in his eyes. "You're going to do something terrible," he whispered. "I'm sorry," he muttered. He looked at Primrose who's eyes were filled with fear. 

"Stop!" a voice from behind cried. "Stop!" 

Peter turned around quickly and gasped as he saw who it was. That's not possible. What were they doing here?

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