Prologue:A Muddy Day

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Charlie looked at the sky and smiled, the day was nice and it was a perfect day to rescue the dragon who got stuck in mud apparently. "Hey!" Charlie turned around to see one of his co-workers, Logan. Logan was 8 years younger than Charlie which was weird to Charlie because he realized he was getting old. 

"Hey Logan, how are you?" he asked politely. He looked at Logan and then smiled, Logan was the youngest member of the Sanctuary, being only 18 when he joined, it's been two years and Charlie just felt even older. 

"Not bad, quite excited!" The two men were walking in a field and soon more wizards started to appear. Charlie watched as his former-mentor leaped down from a dragon, it was quite cool how others tamed dragons. Charlie had rescued one, of course, an Ukranian Ironbelly named Brisk. He had rescued him with a young teenager named Primrose who was now working at the dragon sanctuary. 

The tall woman with beautiful black hair looked at Charlie before slapping his face. "Don't stare, it's rude," she muttered angrily. Charlie laughed although his face stung a little. 

"Sorry but you know you enjoy it, Mayz," he said with a grin. His former-mentor was Mayhealla Ardelean, who had retired last year but returned after Charlie became Head, he assumed she purposely quit so he could become Head and rejoined after. 

Mayhealla looked at him and shook her head, "How many times have I told you, Char, I am taken and I'm not into guys jeez." she said quickly. Logan laughed beside Charlie, but Charlie just glared at him. 

"I don't like Mayz, I told you someone else is on my mind," he said before seeing another co-worker head towards them. Charlie looked at the lady's blonde hair and shuddered, he didn't really enjoy blonde hair much, in fact, he liked brown hair. 

Logan gasped and stared at the lady before giving her a small nod. "Hey sis," he muttered. Charlie looked at Lily Perreault and smiled politely. Lily grabbed onto Charlie's shoulder and squeezed it before hugging Mayhealla. 

"Hey babe," she whispered. Mayhealla kissed Lily's forehead and soon the four were walking towards a muddy river. 

"Jesus, how does a dragon even get stuck in the mud?" Logan pointed out. Charlie shrugged not knowing the answer. The four dragonologists headed closer and Charlie suddenly smelled blood, he raced quickly and saw the dragon was bleeding. 

"What happened here?" he asked, as he noticed some trees were bent over, "It seems like she got into a fight with someone," he muttered. He pulled out his wand and began to recite some small healing spells on the dragon's wound. 

"Charlie!" Mayhealla cried out worried, Charlie continued to heal, whatever she had to say could wait. 

"Not right now Mayz!" Charlie cried back. He touched the dragon and its eyes opened, Charlie jumped back and heard another cry from Mayhealla. He turned around and saw another dragon right in front of him. Two Romanian Longhorns, great. Charlie thought, he put his wand down and reached out his hand hoping it would help the dragon calm down. 

"Charlie! Get out of th-" Lily screamed, Charlie looked around and grabbed his wand but suddenly felt a strong force hit his back and his head hit a rock. He felt dizzy but heard flapping noises quickly becoming quieter and quieter. He heard a cry from one of his co-workers but it was faint. He sat up and touched his head, he groaned in pain as he saw the blood.

"Shoot," he muttered before collapsing and falling unconscious. 


heyy! welcome to this story, if you ever read rabbits and bunnies you could kind of guess what's going to happen in the next few chapters or so. or not lol! 

btw, mayhealla is pronounced ma-hail-a. 

ok bye! 

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