Chapter 11: The Burrow

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Charlie huffed angrily as he was brought into the Burrow by Bill and Fleur. "Come on! Do I really have to?" he had asked before they disapparated from the hospital. Bill had glared at him angrily and Charlie just sighed.

Now he was sitting at the Burrow's dining table next to Ginny who smiled at him as he looked at her, she grabbed a goblet and drank her pumpkin juice. "What's up Charlie?" she asked.

Charlie sighed, thankful that his mother wasn't at home yet, "I don't know, a bit stressed I guess," he muttered. "I just want to go back to work!"

Ginny laughed, "I know how you feel, remember when I injured my wrist?" Charlie frowned, when had that happened? "Oh right, I never told you," Ginny said. Charlie nodded, a bit upset Ginny didn't tell him before.

"I think I'll ditch dinner," Charlie muttered before standing up. "I'll need to see Bella anyways," he added before walking out of the house, not waiting for any response. He apparated quickly and walked to the front door of her house. The door opened and Charlie saw Oliver, Oliver jumped confused.

"Charlie?" he stuttered, confused as to why Charlie had come to visit. "What are you- Bella's- she's not here," Oliver lied. Charlie rolled his eyes, knowing Oliver lied as his voice was shaky.

He walked into the house, the last time he came here, Bella got mad, but this time he was going to make amends with his best friend. "Bells?" he called out, knowing she was in the house. He looked at his right hand and shuddered. It stung in pain. He let out a small cry, "Shit!" He unwrapped his bandage quickly and saw blood pouring out of the wound, around the cut it looked purple and bruised. "How did this even happen?!" he cried out.

Bella quickly ran down the stairs, "Are you-" she stopped, and stared at the wound in shock. She raced towards the kitchen and opened some cabinets before grabbing a bottle of some liquid Charlie didn't recognize. "Charlie," she grabbed his hand and slowly dropped a drop of the liquid and Charlie winced. "You're hand, it's- there's some type of poison stuck in your flesh, which means-." She paused as Charlie glanced at her in shock.

"What does that mean?" he asked.

"You could die from this," she whispered, her voice almost sounding like she was crying, "Charlie, how did that happen?"

Charlie looked at her, he might die? What? "I just scratched it against a dragon's wound," he answered, a little bit worried.

"What kind of dragon wound was it?" Bella sobbed, Charlie looked at her, it was that serious? She had tears falling down her eyes and blood was covering her hands.

"I-I don't know, he got in a fight with some other animal I- Sorry." Charlie stuttered suddenly feeling frustrated. Bella cried even harder and let go of Charlie's hand. She wiped her tears off with the area of her hands that weren't bloodstained. "I'm going to die?" he asked, his voice shaking.

Bella looked at him, "No, you're not, look we need to send you to St. Mungos, and I'll inform your family, okay?" Bella said quickly. Charlie nodded and looked at his wound.

Bella grabbed his hand and closed her eyes, they both apparated to St. Mungos. "How did you do that?" Charlie asked.

"I work part-time here remember?" She dragged him towards an empty room while signaling some other random Healers. Bella pushed him onto the bed before looking at an older woman who was one of the Healers. Bella grabbed onto her arm, "Mary, do you think  you could take a look at Charlie for me?" Bella asked with a small sob, her eyes were red and puffy which made Charlie freak out. Was he really going to die?

Mary looked at Charlie with a smile, "We're going to be using a muggle product called a needle, we need to take some of your blood," she said with a small smile. Charlie shook his head. 

"Please, can I just-" Charlie started nervously. 

The door opened and Athena quickly rushed into the room, "Charlie!" she cried out wrapping her arms around him before giving him a passionate kiss. Charlie kissed back and wrapped his left arm around her. He brought her closer to him and pulled away before kissing her again. 

"Athena," he muttered, before kissing her again, and again. 

She smiled at him, "Mm?" she muttered, she laid on the bed beside him while Mary poked a needle in his right arm, Charlie cried out in pain. Athena smiled. "Oh you," she whispered. Charlie noticed that Bella was staring at him, she was wiping tears off her eyes before she sat on the right side of his bed. 

"Bells are you okay?" Charlie asked. "You're not telling me something," he whispered. Bella looked at Athena and then back at Charlie. 

"Charlie, do you remember what animal the dragon got into a fight with?" Bella asked, Charlie, frowned, she'd already asked this. 

Charlie shook his head. "I'd have to ask Lily," he answered. "Can- Do you think you could use the floo network to talk to her?" he asked. 

Bella nodded and quickly walked out of the room with the other Healers leaving Athena and Charlie alone. Charlie looked at Athena who was frowning. "Why is she crying?" Athena asked confused, right. She didn't know Charlie might die from the injury. 

"It's nothing," Charlie replied, not wanting to worry Athena, "You can go home now if you want, I think I have to stay here though," he muttered softly. Athena smiled and leaned in to kiss him, she sighed softly as she pulled away before kissing him again. Charlie kissed back, "I love you," he muttered between kisses. 

Athena pulled away, "I know," she whispered, "I love you too, so so much," She kissed him passionately one more time before standing up. "I'll be back," she said softly before walking out the door, leaving Charlie alone, in a hospital room. Charlie sighed. 

dragons and bunnies | charlie weasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora