Chapter 13: Peter

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Charlie stayed in the guest room of Peter's house. He borrowed most of Peter's old clothes, which actually looked good on him. He looked at a mirror and smiled, before heading out, he bumped into a running Liam who fell onto the carpet. "Oh! I'm sorry," Charlie reached his left hand out but Liam just laughed.

"I'm ok!" he smiled, he picked up the little toy he was holding and raced into Lyra's room. The upstairs was huge and Charlie used to get lost a lot but after staying here for a week, he got used to everything. Lyra and Liam had a baby-sitter who also lived here named Lauren. Lauren was super nice and helped care for Charlie when Peter had to go to work. Peter worked for a muggle company.

Peter laughed as he saw his son race into Lyra's room, he looked at Charlie, "How are you feeling?" he asked. Charlie unwrapped the bandage they put on last night and looked at his wound, it was slowly healing.

"God, Athena must be so worried about me," Charlie muttered. Peter patted Charlie's back before sipping some coffee out of his mug.

"Why don't you just visit her?" Peter asked, "It's a beautiful day, I'll probably go out with the kids today, and I'll drive you back-"

Charlie glanced at him in shock, "How could a pureblood like you suddenly act like a muggle?" he asked curiously.

Peter laughed, "Come on, Charlie, I was a teenager! Plus, Sarah taught me how to drive 5 years ago, I'm basically a professional now," he said with a smile. Charlie nodded and was in awe that his best friend knew how to use a muggle invention.

Charlie walked into the car and sat in the seat, Peter drove quickly, "Do you know where she lives?" he asked. Charlie told him the address quickly and soon they arrived. "Good luck, I'll pick you up in 10 minutes," Peter said.

Charlie sighed and walked towards the brick wall, "Thanks Peter," he whispered to himself, he tapped the brick wall with his wand and entered Diagon Alley. He walked down the street and quickly avoided Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. He walked into Athena's tiny shop and heard a bell ringing. "Athena?" he called out softly. Athena came in from the side.

He looked at Athena who stared at him in shock, "Charlie," she whispered, her eyes wide. "Charlie," she ran towards him and hugged him, "Charlie is that really you?" she whispered softly, "Charlie, I thought-" Charlie kissed Athena, he grabbed the back of her head a tugged on her hair, he heard a quiet sound from Athena as she kissed back excitedly. Grabbing onto his back and digging her nails into his skin, Charlie felt pain but ignored it as he kissed his girlfriend, the love of his life for the first time in months.

"Yes it's me, who else would it be?" he asked softly. 

Athena looked at him, tears in her eyes. "You just disappeared for a few months," she whispered angrily, "Do you know how I felt? I thought you were dead!" she shouted softly. 

"I'm sorry," Charlie said looking away, "I-" 

"Where have you been staying?" she asked. 

Charlie looked back at Athena, "At Peter Albright's place," he whispered. Athena glanced at him in shock, of course, she was surprised. Peter was a pureblood, and the Weasleys were blood traitors. "Look, I know what you're thinking, but we're good friends, okay?" he muttered. 

"Whatever you say," she whispered, "What is he up to recently?" she asked. 

"Taking care of his kids, work, I guess, oh right! He also was with a muggle, never met her, apparently, she was an incredible doctor I think," Charlie started, "Her name was Sarah, I wonder..." 

Athena smiled, "He has kids?" she asked. 

"Yeah, two of them, twins actually, Lyra and Liam. They're cute," Charlie answered quickly, he then heard the door quickly open. 

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