Chapter 5: Weasleys Wizard Wheezes

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"So glad you could make it," George said with a smile, Charlie didn't really understand why he was still in England as his head seemed perfectly fine but whatever. He picked up some weird looking black rock and tossed it back with the pile. He then found love potions and picked one up curiously. "Oh, you interested in those?" George asked. 

Charlie looked at George and laughed, "Do they even work?" he asked. He looked at the back and couldn't care to read it. George grabbed the bottle from Charlie and smiled. 

"Of course they do," George muttered, "I don't sell anything that doesn't work," he added rolling his eyes. He then handed it back to Charlie, "Here take it for free," he said. 

Charlie looked at the bottle and shrugged before putting it into his pocket. "How bad are they?" he asked. George looked at him and gasped. 

"You think they're bad?" he said in fake shock. 

Charlie shook his head, "No I meant how strong are they?" he asked, realizing his wording hadn't been quite right although he did think it was. 

George looked around thoughtfully, "Well, depends if they already had feelings for you or not," he whispered. "Come here," George dragged Charlie upstairs and into his room. Charlie sat down on a chair and George scrummaged around the room. 

"What are you doing?" Charlie asked curiously before standing up. He walked around the room and noticed a necklace lying on George's desk. Charlie picked it up and looked at it confused, who's was it? "Hey who's necklace is this?" Charlie asked. 

George popped out of the closet and looked at Charlie then the necklace, "Angie's," he replied quickly. "She must've left it here when we- um nevermind," he said quickly. Charlie's younger brother was holding a small bottle filled with blue components and handed it to Charlie. "Here, this is the remedy for the love potion, that you don't really need  because everyone loves you already,"  

"That's not entirely true," Charlie said, taking the small bottle. "I don't think I want to use love potions though," he realized, taking out the two bottles, he quickly placed them back in his pocket."Isn't it kind of like using the Imperius Curse on someone?" he asked. 

"Can't answer that Charlie, " George replied quickly, "You could stay here and wait until dinner if you want or you can leave," he said, "The shop gets busy around this time," 

Charlie nodded, "I think I have places to go," he lied not wanting to bother George with his work, Charlie also had some papers so he'd probably go to Bella's. 

"Whatever you say, Charlie," George said, "See you around!" Charlie waved goodbye and flooed into Bella's place. 

Bella worked part-time at St. Mungos so she probably would be around at home, he looked around and saw one of his books laying on the ground. "Hey, how did th-" 

He was suddenly interrupted by someone who hugged him from the back and then he winced in pain. "Bells, my back?" he said. 

Charlie heard Bella laugh, and he smiled, her laugh it sounded so cute. He turned around and looked at Bella who smiled. "Sorry," she muttered. "What are you doing here though?" she asked curiously. Charlie took the two bottles out of his pocket. 

"I was going to do some paperwork," Charlie said, "But look at these," he added, showing her the bottles. 

"Those are love potions?" she asked curiously, "I've seen them, they aren't so good I've heard, makes the person who is under it go crazy over the other," she then looked flustered, "Here, give me those, I will get rid of them," she grabbed the bottles and walked into a different room before coming out with empty bottles. 

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