Chapter 4: Bella Wood

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"Ginny?" Charlie whispered. Ginny looked at him worried, Charlie was quite confused, why had Ginny come here? And specifically his room? He looked at Ginny and noticed she was drunk, just a little bit. Her cheeks were red and she looked around his room a little bit confused. 

"Charliebie," Ginny mumbled. "Bring me to my roomie," Charlie sighed loudly and picked up Ginny, he opened his door using his wand and walked down the hallway to Ginny's room. Why wasn't she with Harry? Oh, maybe a Quidditch party... He pushed the door open and looked at Ginny's room, it was different than before, it seemed messier. Charlie placed Ginny on the bed and pushed her onto her side. He grabbed an empty cup and filled it up with water. 

"Aguamenti," he muttered softly. "Oh, Ginny, how did you end up so lucky?" he asked. "Mum and dad never got mad at you, you were just their perfect little angel," Charlie grabbed the cup and helped Ginny drink the water, it dripped everywhere and he laughed softly. "Mum always gets upset with me, and now she's even more upset because I legally live in Romania now," he whispered. 

"Maybe because you're not married yet," Ginny giggled pointing at Charlie's nose. "You've never really had a real relationship except for Annabella, but she doesn't count anymore," Ginny said. "You're almost 30 and I guess mum is expecting you to get married, unless-" 

Charlie looked at her with a strange look, "Unless?" he asked, wondering what she was going to say. 

"Unless you're not attracted to anyone," she whispered before letting out a small giggle. 

Charlie looked at her shocked, "Hey!" he cried out, "I do like someone right now," he whispered. Ginny cocked her head to the side. 

"Do you?" Ginny whispered curiously. Charlie stood up and laughed, he sat on a chair that was next to Ginny's desk, but then Ginny laughed. "Yeah right, it's probably Annabella Wood isn't it?" she said with a small smirk. 

Charlie looked at her and he felt his heart drop, Bella was with another guy, she probably didn't even like him. She was with some guy, Thomas Tyler and there was no way Charlie could ever get her back. "No, it's not," he lied quickly suddenly feeling tense and worried for some reason. 

Ginny giggled, "Yeah it is," she said. "You're lying," Charlie walked up to her and placed his index finger in front of her mouth. 

"Whatever, just don't tell anyone okay?" Charlie said. "I'm going to go to bed, call for me and I'll come if you need me," he said, wrapping Ginny with her blanket and turning off the lights before leaving the room. 

He quietly walked back into his room and sat on the bed, "Why do I still like Bella?" he mumbled before laying on the bed. He wrapped himself with the blankets and closed his eyes. "Bella," he muttered softly before falling into a dreamless sleep. 


Charlie woke up early, he got dressed and looked at his hair, it looked a bit messy but he thought it looked fine anyway. He looked through his closet and realized there weren't many clothes here, most of his clothes were with- "Bella," he muttered. Of course, they were, he then grabbed the best-looking thing he could find which was the suit he wore at Bill's wedding. 

He quickly changed and headed downstairs where Ginny was, he looked at her, her hair was messy and she looked super tired. "Couldn't sleep?" he asked curiously, Ginny nodded sadly as she continued to eat her bread. 

"What are you wearing?" she suddenly asked, Charlie, looked at his suit, was it really that bad? "I mean it looks great though Charlie, just why?" she asked confused. Charlie looked back at her and shrugged. 

"It was the only thing I could find I guess," he muttered. "Anyways, do you have anything to do today? I'm pretty sure I have to visit Bella again for my clothes, come with?" Charlie asked hoping she'd say yes. 

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