Chapter 2: The Old Weasley Bros

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Charlie opened his eyes tiredly and looked to the side before jumping. Athena? What happened yesterday? Right, he went to get ice cream and they had some drinks. Where was he then? "Where am I?" he asked out loud. 

Athena looked at him, with a small smile, that was not good, "At my place," she whispered. Charlie shook his head. No way. 

"Did we-" he started, 

"No," she answered. Charlie sighed in relief and stood up. He had to leave, even though it was Athena he had to go see Bella. He went into the bathroom and got dressed. Fixed his hair, checked his teeth. 

"Sorry, um I have to go," Charlie muttered before slamming the front door. He walked quickly out of the apartment and didn't recognize the street at all. "Shit," he cursed angrily. He ran towards a lampost and looked around making sure no one was around before apparating. 

He was then in front of Bella Wood's house. Charlie sighed before knocking at the front door, he waited for a while before the door opened. Bella was wearing her pajamas and her hair was up in a messy bun. "Oh," she mumbled before letting him inside. 

"Uh, do you still have some of my clothes?" Charlie asked awkwardly. Bella nodded slowly before scavenging around the house. She threw a shirt and some pants at him and he laughed softly. He changed his pants and he took off his shirt and Bella gasped, he turned around confused. "What?" he said, then he caught her lowering her eyes to look at his abs. "Oh," he muttered before turning around again.

"No, Char your back," she whispered. She walked closer and touched his back making him flinch in pain. "It's completely burned," she muttered, "Did you not get it checked?" she asked. Suddenly using some random potion on his back, the liquid made it sting even more, and yelled out in pain, flailing around. "Hey, calm down," she said softly. 

"Sorry," he muttered in pain, Bella was a Healer at St.Mungos now apparently and Charlie thought it was pretty cool. He looked up at Bella who was tending to his back. "Hey, please find someone new, okay?" Charlie whispered softly. He turned around and looked at Bella carefully while she just looked at him sadly. He then grabbed the back of her head and kissed her, she wrapped her arms around his back carefully reaching towards his neck. 

Bella pulled away, she was now laying on the couch of her living room, Charlie on top of her. "Char," she whispered. "Oliver's here," Charlie shrugged and kissed her again. He undid her bun and let her hair down, he grabbed onto her shirt, but she stopped him. "Stop," she said, Charlie sat up and stopped.

 He helped her up and put his new shirt on, "I guess not then," he whispered, his voice making her shiver again. She wrapped his arms around him and rubbed his hair, before kissing him again. He then pulled away, "I'm sorry," he started, "I'm not supposed to be doing this," he whispered, but at the same time he wanted her. 

"Why?" Bella said quietly, "There's nothing wrong wit-" Charlie shushed her quickly with his index finger. 

"Please Bella, please I can't," he said. He stood up and was about to leave but heard some steps down the stairs. "Tell Oliver I say hi," he said before leaving the house. He sighed, he had intended to only go there for clothes. He did miss her, he had to admit. He then apparated again and he was in front of Shell Cottage, to see Bill of course. 


"Charlie," Bill whispered while giving him a hug. Charlie whimpered, as he felt his back sting with pain again. "What's wrong?" he asked before letting go, Charlie let out a sigh of relief. 

"Sorry my back, it apparently flared up again," he muttered. The two were having some tea on the beautiful Sunday morning. Suddenly Charlie heard someone scream, he looked up confused and saw Bill rush to a room, Charlie followed slowly and he was met with his sister in law, Fleur. She was pregnant, and obviously, something happened, but Charlie didn't know. He then noticed a Healer was already in the house, wow. 

"Hi, I'm Martha Klain, a Healer from St. Mungos and you are?" The healer was a young woman with light brown hair and brown eyes. She reached out her hand to shake Charlie's, he felt her hand was soft compared to his and saw her flinch as his skin touched hers. He rolled his eyes, it always happened. 

Martha was helping Fleur with something, but Charlie didn't really pay much attention, however, he noticed Martha catching small glances and she'd flirtingly talk with him sometimes complimenting his hair or something. Charlie didn't really care though. 

"If you'd like you can go with Charlie?" Bill said, Charlie, flinched as he heard his name. What? Martha stared at Charlie and blushed. 

Charlie shook his head, "Uhm, sorry Bill, super busy, also injured." he muttered bringing some excuses not to go with that Martha girl. He looked at Fleur who was laying on the bed in pain, "Hope you feel better soon Fleur, and um, bye Bill." he said. He left the house and apparated to Bella's place again suddenly missing her. 

He then heard a horrifying scream from outside Bella's house which was technically his but whatever. He raced inside the house and saw that Bella just dropped a pan, "What the hell?" Charlie snapped angrily, "Jesus, you scared me, Bella,"

Bella looked at him confused, "What are you even doing here?" she asked. 

"I missed you?" he replied with an awkward smile. Bella laughed and hugged him, making sure not to touch his back. Charlie smiled and hugged back. Oliver then cleared his throat in front of the two. 

"Um Bella, you know that Thomas is coming over today? Your boyfriend?" Oliver said slowly, carefully looking at Charlie. Charlie let go of Bella shocked, boyfriend? Fuck, he had no idea and he had made out with her. She looked at Charlie and smiled weakly. Charlie looked away, she was just playing with him the whole time. 

"Bella what-" Charlie started, wanting to yell at her for not telling him, wanting to beat up this Thomas guy at the same time, but kind of feeling fine about it. 

"Char I'm sorry!" she cried out, she was down on her knees and begging Charlie to forgive her but he just stood there in shock. Bella lied, and it wasn't the first time. 

Charlie scoffed, "And I thought I could be with you again Bells, but I guess we're done forever," he shouted. Suddenly he heard the door open, and a tall man who wasn't as tall as Charlie nor as good-looking as Charlie walked through the door. He had dark brown hair and his eyes gleamed with hunger, not the food hunger though. It was more like lust.  

"Baby," Bella cried before giving the man a passionate kiss, "This is Charlie Weasley, Char this is Thomas, Thomas Tyler" Charlie walked up and shook the man's hand, he felt the man flinch, and Charlie looked at his hands confused, they did have a lot of blisters from the metal he had to use to tame the dragons but they were slowly disappearing. 

"Pleasure to meet you, Thomas," Charlie smiled. "You can't possibly be related to Emily Tyler?" he asked with a small smirk. Thomas looked at Charlie shocked.

Charlie just laughed. "Your sister's a bitch," he whispered before punching Thomas in the face. Bella grabbed Charlie's other arm and pulled him away. Oliver then tended to Thomas attempting to calm him down.

"Char, what was that?" she asked angrily, she hit Charlie's back and he yelled in pain. He looked at her confused and hurt at the same time. 

"Bells, his sister made fun of my family okay? Because Bill was a Weasley? Seriously!" Charlie shouted. "And let go of my hand Bella," he snapped angrily. "I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back to your little game of love," he said before leaving the house. 


first of all, as you could tell, i'm terrible at chapter naming. anyways. bye. 

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