Entry 9

11 0 0

Friday, December 14, 2012, 2:13 pm

 Dear Diary,

 Hey I'm watching Seth and Tristin while Toni's at the library filling out applications. They both weren't feeling well this morning or last night for that matter. Toni was pissed this morning. Teara and Meaghan had tyler and another boy over named Jake. Apparently they got up this morning and made eggs ad bacon, but didn't clean up the mess.

 Teara and Meaghan just woke up. Terry didn't go into work again.  Meagan actually finished the rest of the dishes. Well for the most part she did. Though her and Teara made another mess.

  All over my timeline on Twitter is the Elementary school shooting in Connecticut. That is so sad, at last check it was 18 children murdered, out of 26 people killed. Why is it you can get a gun easier than you can mental health services? The only reason I ever got any help was because the county took us away and put us in foster care.

 That seems to be the only way you posibly can anymore. Which isn't right. Being able to have guns isn't right either. There's no reason for it. Guns just need to be banned. If nothing happens about our gun laws, then we have apparently learned nothing from this experience.

 Well I gotta get off of here meagan wants to do Teara's school work.

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