Entry 4

18 0 0

11/12/12 12:46 pm

Dear Diary,

 A lot's been going on here. I got into an argument with Kim's brother in law John. I just came over today to talk to Kim. I wrote her a letter.

 Jeff had to cancel on me, so we're going to meet Thursday. Rod was at Garry's yesterday and when he came home, he's like you might be getting asked out to movie here soon. Talking about Caleb. I hope he does ask me on a date. Though I don't know what I would wear!

  My mom and Rod got on me because I said only if I had the money. They kept telling me that you let the boy pay. That's going to be my trouble, is letting him pay for my ticket. I really don't like letting others pay for me. I know it's weird. I guess it's because I've always been so independent.

 I don't like to go out to eat, because of the whole being waited on. Rod tried to take my plate and cup into the kitchen and I wouldn't let him.

Amanda apparently wrecked Kim's car. She swerved into the ditch trying to avoid a dog. It only has scratches on it, and both Kim and Amanda didn't get hurt either. They're ust crazy. I'm suppose go talk to Tonie today about working at family dollar. I don't know if we're still going to go though.

 It's raining here, and our van doesn't do well in the rain. We need to get it fixed, really we need a new car period. I need to find my driving book too, so I can take my temps test. I would like to get my license by summer.

 As soon as I get a second job, I'm going to start saving up for some things, as well as pay my student loans. I also got pay Malone, and my library fees. My mom didn't turn in any of the books I borrowed for her, and we still gotta take them back.

 I think Amanda and Kim are going to give me a ride up there, when they go out. They have to run to the store. Well I'm going to go. Bye. 

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