•Chapter 20

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-----March 7th-----

Y/n's POV

It had been about two months since Eric and I broke up. And since most of the friend group began avoiding me as to not get involved in my 'drama' I stayed distant.

During that somewhat "break" from my friends I had been spending a lot of time with Cedric. We have almost all of our classes together so it's very rare for someone to see one of us without the other one by our side.

Today I was planning on studying for an upcoming Potions exam with Luke, Serena and Blair.

I walked down the hallway and into the library to see Blair and Serena were sitting down at a table in the middle. Blair was organising all her stuff in preparation for our "study session" as she liked to call it.

When it came to homework and studying, Blair was all over it. She was a very high achiever, earning the much wanted liking of most teachers.

"Oh, hey Y/n. I'm getting everything organised"

I raised my eyebrows "I can tell...where's Luke?"

"I have no clue he said he would meet us here."

My phone started ringing, "Speak of the devil"

"Hey Luke what's up-"

I was interrupted by a very flustered voice

"Y/n, you guys need to come here right now."

"Wait-why-what happened?"

"Well, Cedric and Eric got into a fight in the courtyard and it's bad, they won't stop fighting, just get here as fast as you can please."

"Um, yea okay we will be there right now."

I hung up and grabbed Blair and Serena by their arms.

"What is happening?" Serena asked.

"Ced and Eric got into a fight."

"Holy shit."

We all ran out leaving our stuff behind.

We ran into the courtyard to see a large group surrounding something, which I assumed to be Cedric and Eric.

Blair, Serena I pushed our way through the large crowd and got the front to see Cedric on top of Eric punching him while Eric was squirming around on the ground.

Cedric had blood running down his face and his hands.

"Holy shit, Eric!" Serena exclaimed as she tried to intervene but I held her back. "I don't want you to get hurt Serena."

"You fucking bitch!" Cedric yelled at Eric while punching the life out of the kid.

I turned my attention away from Serena, "Cedric, what the fuck are you doing!" I yelled.

Cedric stopped and looked over to me. While he was caught off guard Blair and Luke pulled him off of Eric and Serena ran over to Eric pulling him up into her lap.

Cedric's POV

(Before the fight)

Luke and I were walking around the grounds of Hogwarts and once we made it to the courtyard we saw Eric and some of his friends conversing in a circle.

"Luke maybe we should go somewhere else..."

"Okay I mean we could-"

He was interrupted by a shrill voice that belonged to none other than Eric Tropez.

He smirked and looked up at me, "So Diggory, I hear you're dating Y/n."

My face turned bright red. "Ced it's not worth it." Luke whispered

"No we are not and before you say-"

I was interrupted by him again "At this point I don't care Diggory, you can have her. She's too much of a slut for me."

I walked up to the short kid, towering over him "What did you say?" I looked down at him.

"Oh sorry let me repeat myself for you,"

"Y/n is a...slut"

My fists tightened up and I swung them at his face.

Blood slowly began dripping out of his nose and I felt my hand slightly throbbing. I looked down at it and shook it, hoping to be able to shake the pain off but it was no use.

He wiped some of the blood off of his face, "You're going to pay for that, pretty boy"

He swiftly punched me back.

I tackled him and we both fell onto the ground.

He landed on top of me and started throwing punches at me. "You're a little bitch just like your girlfriend! You know that, right?"

I gained up enough strength and flipped him off of me and got on top, blood dripped down my face and onto my shirt. "Wanna say that again Eric?"

He began laughing and shined his blood stained his teeth at me.

"That's what I thought." I threw punch after punch down onto his face, my hands were in pain but it didn't matter at this point. "You fucking bitch!" I yelled as my punches became sloppier and sloppier.

I heard a familiar voice scream, "Cedric what the fuck are you doing!"

It was Y/n.

Once I noticed it was her I stopped punching to look up at her disappointed face.

While I was caught off guard Blair and Luke pulled me off of Eric and Serena dropped down to the ground and cradled Eric in her arms.

"Just because you know how to fight doesn't change the fact that your girlfriend is a whore!" He yelled.

"I swear to-" I tried pulling out of Blair and Luke's arms but there was no use.

I saw almost everyone standing there looking at both of us in shock.

Mc Gonagall ran through the crowd, screaming at all of us. She noticed Eric and I. Both covered in blood. "What have you two gotten your selves into!" she yelled.

"This is little bitch attacked me!" Eric screamed.

"Go cry to your daddy about it!" I screamed back at him and spit blood out of my mouth.

Mc gonagall had an angry look on her face. She picked Eric up by his ear and pulled him off of his sisters lap. She then signed for me to get up and led us both over into the hospital wing.


Ooooo they be fightin. Lol

So i'm currently writing this on my phone because my computer is broken right now.

If you notice any mistakes or plot holes just lmk and I'll fix them.

Also thank you so much for 400 reads! I feel like I'm being repetitive at this point but it's still so crazy to me that ppl wanna read my story.

Today the song stuck in my head is Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish.

Thank you again for reading!


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