•Chapter 13

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I had finished all my classes for the day.

 The time was 6:30. I debated on whether I should sit with my normal friends leaving Serena alone or if I should go sit with Eric. Eric was sitting with Chris at the Ravenclaw table and I noticed Serena was already with our friends. I made the safe choice and walked over to Chris and Eric.

"Hey Y/n, I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever." Chris said in a somewhat quiet voice.

"Yeah, I know." It was true, I hadn't seen him since school had started. Chris was alway a quiet person, but once I got to know him more he opened up and we've gotten along great since then.

"So, I heard about everything that has been going on, I'm sorry that this is happening."

"Don't worry about it Chris it's not anyone else's fault but my own."

I dug into my food as Chris and Eric talked about Quidditch.

"Y/n, have you ever played Quidditch?" Eric asked

"Yes, I played it all the time when I was little. I lost the passion for it awhile ago though."

"You should try to get back into it, you're really good Y/n." Eric added on.

"Eh, maybe. I don't like that much pressure." I looked down to my watch and noticed the time was almost 7:15. "I would love nothing more than to talk about Quidditch with you guys, but I have to go." 

Chris said a quick bye as I got up and gave Eric a kiss on the head.

"Bye Eric."

"Bye Y/n."

I walked up to my dorm and set all of my books and homework down on my desk. I then laid down on my bed and started scrolling through the new group chat that Blair had created without Serena. 


I know that Serena's mad at you but, I just wanted to let you know we are all rooting for you guys;)

Yea but I didn't know you had a boyfriend. Good for you though.

I know our little Hufflepuff is growing up so fast.

George she is older than you...


Brother dearest😎:
Why was I added to this?
Draco left the group chat

B💕: We miss having you here during dinner Y/n

I know, I just need to sort everything out with Serena then it will all be fine.

Do it soon 


I exited out of the group chat happier than I was before. At least everyone understands.

I then put on a jacket and some gloves before leaving to go meet Cedric. It was slowly becoming colder and colder outside as the days went on. The past couple of months flew by so fast, it was nearly Christmas already.

Fear and anxiety ran through my body as I approached the lake. I saw him standing there, skipping rocks as he waited for me. I took a deep breath and slowly walked up.

"Hey Cedric..."

"Hey so, just straight to the point, what did you want to explain to me?"

"First of all I wanted to say sorry for involving you in the drama and secondly I told you so."

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