•Chapter 11

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"You know, I really want to kiss you right now..." I said.

"Then do it." He said, leaning in closer to me.

Our lips locked together as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around my hips.

We both eventually pulled away from the kiss.

"So what was that for?" he smirked at me.

"I don't know," I looked up to him, he was much taller than me. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have, I don't want to be forcing you into anything-" I said before he cut me off by putting his finger over my lips.

"No, it's okay, I-I liked it" he tucked my hair behind my ear.

"So...will you be my boyfriend?"


A/n- (Um that was so cringe, so im very sorry for that, i am incapable of writing stuff like that apparently)

Sooon we heard the fourth years run past the closet, not thinking to look for us in here.

"We better go and find Serena now, don't wan't her to get suspicious." I said.

"Okay Malfoy, lead the way." he responded as I grabbed his hand leading him out of the closet and through the hallway.

We soon found Serena hiding behind a wall and out of instinct, she pulled out her wand and pointed it at us.

"Bloody hell Serena!" I yelled at her.

"Oh my, Y/n you scared the shit out of me." She pulled her wand down and back into her pocket.

"Lets go back to the Hufflepuff common room. We can talk there." Eric suggested.

We all agreed and walked over to the common room and sat down on the yellow leather couch.

"So, we have all the evidence we need but how are you going to tell Cedric without sounding incredibly creepy?" Serena asked.

"I don't know, I want to just tell him the truth but how am I going to defend sneaking into her room and stealing her phone?"

"Just tell him the truth and a little bit more." Serena responded

"What do you mean by that?"

"Tell him why Ava was gone, and why she left her phone. He then will most likely be too focused on the bad things that Ava has done to even care about the fact that you broke into her room."

"Oh, that's smart."

"Thanks, just talk to him after Transfiguration's class tomorrow. But for now I'm going to go to bed, I'm exhausted."

"Alright, bye Serena."

"Bye!" She walked out of the common room leaving me and Eric alone.


Eric and I talked for what seemed like forever, laughing nearly the whole time. A couple minutes ago he left to go grab something and because of how late it had been, I started falling asleep on the couch.

"Good lord Y/n, you can never stay awake, can you?" He laughed as I was fake sleeping.

He sat there for a second before finally deciding to carry me up to my room. He slowly picked me up and started carrying me up to my room. He laid me down and brushed the hair off of my face.

He then bent down and whispered in my ear, "Goodnight Y/n." he kissed my forehead and walked out of the room with a smile on his face.

I shot up from my bed as soon as he left, butterflies flying around in my stomach.

I then looked over to the side where Blair and I's bathroom was noticed Blair walking out.

"What...the...fuck" she said while slapping her mouth.

I pulled the sheets off of myself and stood up . "Blair, I-I didn't know you were back, I thought you were staying with Luke."

"Yeah, well plans changed...and I'm kinda glad they did now." 

"So, spill the beans, I want to know everything." She ran over to me and sat down on my bed and patted at the spot next her her, indicating for me to sit down.

I sat down and began telling her every small detail, leading up to tonight. 


"And then he carried me up into my room tonight and that about it for right now."

"Oh my god, you two are really cute together, not gonna lie, but how are you going to tell Serena?"

"I don't know. I might just keep it as a secret for right now until it gets really serious."

"Okay. Who can I tell though?"

"Well not too many people for right now. You can tell Luke though, I know you can't keep secrets from him anyways."

"You know me too well." She said, swiping at the air dismissively. 


Sorry for the short chapter. I have been kinda busy recently.

If you have any questions or recommendations just let me know!

Also sorry if the beginning of the chapter was kinda cringey. I have no clue how to write romantic scenes lol. If you have any feedback on those let me know.

Now the song stuck in my head is Hayloft by Mother Mother. This song reminds me of the twins. Idk why, probably because of tik tok

Thank you so much for reading!


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