Chapter 11

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Sorry for not updating from last week. I needed to take a break for that day since I'm stressed about my school work and my everyday life. Hope you enjoy the two chapters I have published from last week and this week.

"What are you doing here?" I asked waiting for a reply from my Granny, my Aunt Marie, and my EX boyfriend. I was waiting for one of them to reply to my question. "We're here to watch your performance. Besides, I need to take Eleanor home after this." My aunt replied being serious. I looked at Granny and said, "I'm here to watch you and support you. I invited your boyfriend since it's been a while you both saw each other. Remember, your dating the son of a wealthy family. " I tried to not roll my eyes in front of her. I turned around and whisper to Eleanor, "When I get to one, we run since I'm running late to do my free skate." She nodded in agreement. I started to show my three fingers below making sure Eleanor could see and no one else. I went to countdown to my third finger going to the second finger after the second finger got to one and we started to run. My granny can't run because of her age, while Aunt Marie and Aiden, my ex-boyfriend started to chase us. You may ask why. Here's the reason. I know the reason why my aunt and my granny are here and it's the case of my "arrange marriage". Manage to escape that but, not anymore.

We ran through the hallway and almost making to the place to change into my skates and get ready for my warm-up. We bump into yuzuru and shoma. I looked back and said to Eleanor, "Eleanor, we have to separate so they don't know where we are. Shoma, help her hide since we're being chased. Yuzuru will help me hide. Now go!" She nodded in response and Shoma grabbed her hand and went running. The place I was is going to the entrance where to meet Coach. "There's no place to hide. Yuzu, I'm sorry about what I'm going to do right now." He nodded in understanding. I took his face and face it close to my nose and stayed there and it seemed like we're kissing but, we're not. While I heard footsteps passed us, I let go of the position we were in and took a deep breath. Deep breath (y/n). Your heart is about to burst from what happened a moment ago. I looked at my watch and is going to be three minutes before my warm-up. "I have to go yuzu. I will thank you later." I said quickly and started to run and got there in time. I took off my shoes and put on my skates quickly and managed to get my laces done quickly. Now for my performance and the warm-up.

After the completion (I'm lazy to do the description now XD)

I was with Eleanor, Javier, Shoma, and Yuzuru chatting and laughing. "I'm still questioning how you always get 1st place, (y/n)?" Javier question and I laughed it off. "I'm not sure, my jumps were not clean, or perfect-" before I could continue, Eleanor said, "(Y/n), stop being Ms. Perfectionst for once." She said while laughing. "I'm sorry but, I have to get it to perfection," I said trying not to laugh. "Anyways, why were you trying to hide earlier?" Yuzu asked and I told them the explanation and the reason behind it. "I'm trying to stay away since she's only interested in business." They all nodded and I saw my mother. "Mother, I thought you wouldn't come?" I said smiling and hugging her. "I thought so but, your granny gave us an invitation for the upcoming month of a dinner party." I nodded and we started to head to our hotel. I have stopped walking since it seems yuzu wants to talk to me about something. "What do you want to talk about Yuzu?" I asked and he seems to be nervous. "Do you want to head to an ice rink with me, just to have fun? I understand if you can't-" I decided to interrupt and replied to him, "I would love to. It's like a date?" I ask without thinking about and thought to myself, Damn it. I said it without thinking, he probably only thinks of me as a friend. He nodded and said he'll pick me up from my hotel room at 8 pm.

I got to my hotel room and started to take a shower and change into something cute. "What's with the occasion, (y/n) of dressing up cute? Hmm?" I looked at Eleanor and said, "I'mgoingonadatewithyuzuru." I replied quickly. "Say it slowly." Eleanor said and I took a deep breath and said, "I'm going on a date with yuzuru." She looked at me with a smirk. "What? Why are you smirking?" She got up and helped me with my hair and continue, "You both would be a lovely couple." I smiled and felt my heartbeat going fast. "Now, just focus for today and have fun to relieve your stress, even much before the Olympics is getting close." I nodded and change to something cute and cozy. "That looks cute on you, you better tell me the details when you come back." I smiled and heard a knock on the door. I went out to answer and saw yuzuru with a boutique of flowers. I smiled and said, "Thank you, you didn't have to." He shook his head and insisted on it. He seems pretty nice, I guess a date with him won't hurt. "Can you put it in a vase?" I asked Eleanor and said, "Of course, now go you guys, and have fun." She pushed us out friendly and close the door. "Let's go," Yuzuru said and took out his arm. I put my arm around his and started to head our date.

We got to the ice rink and it was just the two of us alone since it's late at night and no one will come skating right now. We took out our skates and put them on. We got on to the ice and said to him, "It feels weird being on the ice and not practicing." He nodded and we decided to do rounds. "Are you nervous about the 2018 Olympics?" He nodded and started to get boring and I wanted to make things fun. "Want to try pair skating for us alone?" He took a moment and said, "Sure, no one is here. Besides we're here to have fun." We laughed, I put on the music and we started to skate. We skating and seem to be perfect in sync. We tried to do the triple axel throw. I managed to and it good and we kept going until the music ended and with our faces together. We were looking at each other for a moment until yuzuru accidentally tripped himself. He holds my head making sure I didn't hit hard, we were still looking at each other. Yuzuru started to lean in, I started to lean in, and our lips connected to each other. It was different, soft, comforting, and feeling safe. I felt my heart beating faster and having butterflies in my stomach. We apart from that kiss and I got up and went to the side of the rink. I started to blush hard, red like a tomato. We looked at each other and decided to break the silence. "Yuzuru, may I ask, how do you feel about us?" I asked and making sure I'm making the right decision if I want to go out with him. "My feelings for you are strong, my heart beats fast whenever I see you, and having butterflies in my stomach." He took both of my hands and continue, "I even want us to be together, and I want to take it slowly. Will you go out with me?" He asked with a bit of hesitation and said it. I smiled and said, "Yes, it will be an honor yuzu." We started to laugh and smile like a little kid. We started to skate in circles holding each other's hands. "With happiness, I have right now, I'm kinda dizzy with the circle we did." I said to yuzuru and we hugged each other and stay in the moment for a while.

We decided to head back to our hotel rooms since we're going to have a long flight tomorrow. "Thank you for everything, yuzuru. I really needed it." I said smiling and while holding his hands. "It's a pleasure. Have a good night's sleep." I nodded and we hugged one last time and went inside my room. I close the door and saw Mother, Eleanor, Aunt Marie, and...

My ex-boyfriend.

Find out in the next chapter what's going to happen between (y/n) and her ex-boyfriend and why he's there?

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